Language name and location: Shina, Gilgit, Pakistan, India [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 希纳语, 巴基斯坦北部阿扎德克什米尔省及附近省份及印度


1. ɛk

21.  bi ɡə ɛk

2. du

22.  bi ɡə du

3. ʈ͡ʂe

23.  bi ɡə ʈ͡ʂe

4. t͡ʃar

24.  bi ɡə t͡ʃar

5. poʃ / poĩ

25.  bi ɡə poʃ

6. ʂă

26.  bi ɡə ʂă

7. sət

27.  bi ɡə sət

8. ãʂ

28.  bi ɡə ãʂ

9. nau

29.  bi ɡə nau

10. dai

30.  bi ɡə dai (20+10)

11. əˈkai

40.  dubi (2 x 20)

12. bai

50.  dubi ɡə dai [(2 x 20)+10]

13. ʈ͡ʂoĩ

60.  ʈ͡ʂebio  (3 x 20)

14. t͡ʃondei

70.  ʈ͡ʂebio ɡə dai  [( 3 x 20)+10]

15. pənzei

80.  t͡ʃarbio (4 x 20)

16. ʂõĩ

90.  t͡ʃarbio ɡə dai [(4x 20)+10]

17. sətai

100. ʃəl

18. aʂʈãĩ

200. du ʃəl

19. kuni

1000. həzar

20. bĭ

2000. du həzar


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Carla Radloff, Summer Institute of Linguistics, January 11, 1994.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Carla Radloff, 1994 年 1 月 11 日.


Other comments: Shina has a vigesimal numeral system and there are loanwords from neighboring dominant language for big numbers 100 and 1000. The data was taken from Gilgit dialect of Shina language. Shina or Brokpa is spoken by approximately 720,000 speakers in Azad Kashmir province, Baltistan, Diamer, and Gilgit districts, Chilas area, Darel, Gilgit, Haramosh, lower Hunza Valley, Punial, and Tangir valleys, Astor, Kharmang, Kachura, Satpara, and other small valleys, scattered villages in Ishkoman and Yasin valleys, Gilgit Baltistan province and east Kohistan district, Khyber Pakhtunkwa province, Pakistan, as well as Kashimir in India.


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