Language name and location: Kohistani Shina, Pakistan [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区科希斯坦希纳语, 巴基斯坦北部开伯尔-普什图省科希斯坦地区


1. ɛk

21.  bʰi̯o ɛk

2. dùː

22.  bʰi̯o dùː

3. ʈ͡ʂèː

23.  bʰi̯o ʈ͡ʂèː

4. t͡ʃɑ̀ːr

24.  bʰi̯o t͡ʃɑ̀ːr

5. poʃ

25.  bʰi̯o poʃ

6. ʂɑ

26.  bʰi̯o ʂɑ

7. sʌt

27.  bʰi̯o sʌt

8. ɑ̃ʂ

28.  bʰi̯o ɑ̃ʂ

9. nʌ̃õ̯

29.  bʰi̯o nʌ̃õ̯

10. dàːe

30.  bʰi̯o dàːe (20+10)

11. əˈkàːe

40.  'dɪbǔ (2 x 20)

12. bàːe

50.  'dɪbǔ ɡə dàːe [( 2 x 20 )+10]

13. ʈ͡ʂòːe

60.  'ʈ͡ʂobi̯o  (3 x 20)

14. t͡ʃəˈhʊ̃deː

70.  'ʈ͡ʂobi̯o ɡə dàːe  [( 3 x 20)+10]

15. pʌn'zɪleː

80.  't͡ʃʌrbi̯o (4 x 20)

16. ʂõ̀ːẽ

90.  't͡ʃʌrbi̯o ɡə dàːe [(4 x 20)+10]

17. sʌ'tːã̀ːẽ 

100. ʃʌl

18. əʂ'ʈã̀ːẽ 

200. dùː ʃʌl

19. ʊkə'nĩ́ː

1000. zɪr

20. bíː

2000. dùː zɪr


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Ruth Laila Schmidt, University of Oslo, Norway, August 19, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Ruth Laila Schmidt, 2008 年 8 月 19 日.


Other comments: Kohistani Shina has a vigesimal numeral system with two contrasting tonesː level and rising. Kohistani Shina is spoken by approximately 460,000 speakers in Kohistan district, east bank Indus river, Jalkot, Kolai, and Palas valley areas, Khyber Pakhtunkwa province, Pakistan.


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