Language name and location: Savi, Afghanistan, Pakistan [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名和分布地沙维语, 阿富汗东北部库纳尔省及巴基斯坦


1. [jak, jɛk] /jɛk/

21. [jaˈkaːmbɪɕ, jaˈkɔːmbiɕ] /jɛkɔ~biɕ/

2. [d̪uː, d̪ʊː] /du/

22. [dʊˈaːmbɪɕ, ˈdʋɔːmbiɕ] /duɔ~biɕ/

3. [ɬɑː, ɬɔː] /ɬɔ/

23. [ˈɬaːmbɪɕ, ˈɬɔːmbiɕ] /ɬɔ~biɕ/

4. [ʨɔːɾ, ʨoːɾ] /ʨoɾ/

24. [ˈʨʊɾambɪɕ, ʨʊˈɾɔˑmbiɕ] /ʨuɾɔ~biɕ/

5. [paːɲ, pãːɲʥ] /panʥ/

25. [ˈpaɲjambɪɕ, ˈpãɲdʑɔˑmbiɕ] /pɛndʑɔ~biɕ/

6. [ʂo, ʂʊˑ] /ʂu/

26. [ʂʊˈaːmbɪɕ, ˈʂõːmbiɕ] /ʂuɔ~bɪɕ/

7. [saːt̪, sæːt̪] /sat/

27. [ˈsaːt̪ambɪɕ, ˈsæːt̪ɞmbiɕ] /satɔ~biɕ /

8. [aːɕ, ãːɕ] /aɕ/

28. [ˈaːɕambɪɕ, ˈæːɕɞmbiɕ] /aɕɔ~biɕ /

9. [n̪oː, n̪ʊː] /no/

29. [n̪ʊˈaːmbɪɕ, ˈn̪õːmbiɕ] /nuɔ~biɕ/

10. [d̪æɕ, d̪ɛɕ] /dɛɕ/

30. [d̪aɕˈaːmbɪɕ, d̪ɛɕˈɔːmbiɕ] /dɛɕɔ~biɕ/

11. [jaˈkɑːɕ, jɛˈkɔːɕ] /jɛkɔɕ/

40. [d̪ʊbɪˈɕæ, d̪ʊbɪˈɕæ] /dubiɕɛ/

12. [bɑːɕ, bɔːɕ] /bɔɕ/

50. d̪aˈɕãːn̪ d̪ʊbɪˈɕæ] /dɛɕɔ~ dubiɕɛ/,
     [d̪ɛɕ ˈrɛt̪e d̪ʊbɪˈɕæ] /dɛɕ rɛte dubiɕɛ/

13. [t̪ɾʊˈhẽːɕ, t̪ɾʊˈhɪˑɕ] /tɾueɕ/

60. [ɬaːbɪˈɕæ, ˌɬɔːbɪˈɕæ] /ɬɔbiɕɛ/

14. [ʨaˈd̪iːɕ, ʨɛˈd̪iɕ] /ʨɛdiɕ/

70. [d̪aˈɕãː ɬaːbɪˈɕæ] /dɛɕɔ~ ɬɔbiɕɛ/,
     [d̪ɛɕ ˈrɛt̪e ˌɬɔːbɪˈɕæ] /dɛɕ rɛte ɬɔbiɕɛ/

15. [pæɲˈʥiːɕ, pɛɲˈʥiɕ] /pɛnʥiɕ/

80. [ʨʊɾbɪˈɕæ, ˌʨʊˑɾbɪˈɕæ] /ʨuɾbiɕɛ/

16. [ʂʊˈɽæɕ, ʂʊˈɽɛs] /ʂuɽɛs/

90. [d̪aˈɕãː ʨʊɾbɪˈɕæ] /dɛɕɔ~ ʨuɾbiɕɛ/,
     [d̪ɛɕ ˈrɛt̪e ˌʨʊˑɾbɪˈɕæ] /dɛɕ rɛte ʨuɾbiɕɛ/

17. [saˈtʲaːɕ, sɛt̪ɪˈɔːɕ] /sɛtiɔɕ/

100. [paɲbɪˈɕæ, ˌpaɲbɪˈɕæ] /pɛndʑbiɕɛ/

18. [aɕˈtʲaːɕ, ɛst̪ɪˈɞːɕ] /ɛɕtiɔɕ/

200. [d̪ʊsaˈʋa] /dusɛwɛ/, [ˌd̪ɛɕbɪˈɕæ]

19. [ʊˈɳiːɕ, ʊˈɳĩɕ] /uɳiɕ/

1000[zɛɾ, zɛɾ] /zɛɾ/

20. [biːɕ, biˑɕ] /biɕ/

2000. [d̪ʊzɛˈɾæ, ˌd̪ʊzɛˈɾæ] /duzɛɾɛ/


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Henrik Liljegren, Forum from Language Initiatives / Stockholm University, Sweden, April 9, 2010. Native speaker consultants: Qazi Serajuddin, Inayat ur Rehman (recorded in Jalalabad, Afghanistan in February, 2010)

提供资的语言: Dr. Henrik Liljegren, 2010 年 4 月 9 日.


Other comments: Savi or Sau or Sauji has a vigesimal numeral system. This language sometime is regarded as a dialect of Phalura, and the Sau numeral system might be similar to that of the Phalura. The two phonetic transcriptions within square brackets [ ] represent the respective pronunciation (and for items 50, 70, 90 and 200 different forms used) of the two speakers interviewed, whereas the transcription within angled brackets // represent my tentative phonemic analysis. At the moment of submitting the data, I have analyzed Sauji as having seven phonemic vowels: /i, e, ɛ, a, ɔ, o, u/, while pure length does not seem to be contrastive. I admit that this analysis may have to be revised after more careful investigation has been carried out. /~/ should be interpreted as nasalization

of preceding vowel. The system is essentially vigesimal and the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 20 being non-analyzable. The numerals 11, 13-18 are formed by n+10 with phonetic reduction of the initial segment(s) of the numeral 10. The numerals 21-30 are formed by n+(case)+20. Forty (40) is two twenty. Fifty (50) is built up in the following way: 10+(case/postposition ‘above’)+two-twenty. The same system is applied up to 200 for one of the speakers. The elements /sɛwɛ/ ‘hundred’ and /zɛr/ ‘thousand’ are Pashto loans. There are approximately 9,000 Savi speakers in

Sau village on Konar river, Kunar province, Afghanistan a s well as some in Pakistan.

Language name and location: Savi, Afghanistan, Pakistan [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名和分布地沙维语, 阿富汗东北部库纳尔省及巴基斯坦


1. yʌk /jak


2. du


3. tro /ɮoː


4. t͡ʃor


5. pãʒ /paːnd͡ʒ


6. ʂo


7. satʰ /saːt


8. aːʂ


9. ɳũ /nũ


10. dɛʃ /dɑːʃ


11. yʌkoʃ /yakoʃ


12. boʃ


13. troinʃ


14. t͡ʃediʃ




16. ʂolaʃ


17. satioiʃ

100. pãʒ biʃa (5 x 20)

18. aʂtioʃ


19. uɳiʃ (20 - 1)


20. biʃ



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Henrik Liljegren, 6 September, 2002

Forum from Language Initiatives / Stockholm University, Sweden

提供资的语言学家: Dr. Henrik Liljegren, 2002 年 9 月 6 日


Other comments: The Sau / Savi or Sauji language sometime is regarded as a dialect

of Phalura, and the Sau numeral system might be similar to that of the Phalura.

There are approximately 9,000 Savi speakers in Sau village on Konar river, Kunar province, Afghanistan a s well as some in Pakistan.


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