Language name and location: Sarsi, Alberta province, Canada [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区萨尔西语 (Sarcee), 加拿大西部艾伯塔省卡尔加里区


1. tɬìkʼāzá

21.  èkádēē tɬìkʼ é mītāā

2. èkíyē   *

22.  èkádēē tɬìkʼ ē mītāā

3. tá.kʼē

23.  èkádēē tá.kʼ ē mītāā

4. díítšʼē

24.  èkádēē díítšʼē mītāā

5. ɡúùtʼáá

25.  èkádēē ɡúùtʼáá mītāā

6. ɡùstánē  *

26.  èkádēē ɡùstá mītāā

7. tšìšdíítšʼē

27.  èkádēē tšìšdíítšʼe mītāā

8. tɬàšdíítšʼē  ( 2 x 4 ) *

28.  èkádēē tɬàšdíítšʼe mītāā

9. tɬìkʼúyāwá  *

29.  èkádēē tɬìkʼúyāwá mītāā

10. ɡūnèsnánē

30.  tá.dēē           ( < tá.kʼē + dēē )

11. tɬìkʼ é mītāā

40.  díítšdēē        ( < díítšʼē + dēē )

12. èká. mītāā

50.  ɡúùtʼádēē      ( < ɡúùtʼáá+ dēē )

13. tá.kʼē mītāā

60.  ɡùstádēē       ( <ɡùstánē + dēē )

14. díítšʼ ē mītāā

70.  tšìšdíítšʼídēnē ( <tšìšdíítšʼe + dēnē )

15. ɡúùtʼáá mītāā

80.  tɬàšdíítšʼēdēē  ( <tɬàšdíítšʼē + dēē )

16. ɡùstá mītāā

90.  tɬìkʼúyāwádēnē (<tɬìkʼúyāwá + dēnē)

17. tšìšdíítšʼe mītāā

100. ɡūnèsnádēē ( < ɡūnèsnánē+ dēē)

18. tɬàšdíítšʼe mītāā

200. èkádē ɡūnèsnádēē

19. tɬìkʼúyāwá mītāā

1000. tɬádé ɡūnèsnádá

20. èkádēē  ( < èkíyē + dēē  )

2000. èkádē ɡūnèsnádá ??


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Eung-Do Cook, Department of Linguistics, University of Calgary, Canada,  24 October, 1990

提供资的语言: Prof. Eung-Do Cook, 1990 年 10 月 24 日.


Other comments: Sarsi (Sarcee) or Tsuu T’ina, Tsúùtínà is  a moribund language spoken by approximately 180 speakers in Alberta province: Calgary area, Canada.

Sarcee has a well-developed decimal system with special terms for 6, 8 and 9. It's evident that the numerals originated as a quinary system which has developed into a quinary-decimal system; the number 'eight' is combined with 'four' and 'two'; the number 'six' was analyzed by Sapir's note as 'extra one sticking out' and 'nine' as 'used up'.

Note that the data were in Phonetic transcription ( Americanist )ː

1. dl = IPA [dɮ], voiced lateral affricate.

2. tɬ = IPA [tɬ], voiceless lateral affricate.

3. dj = IPA [dʒ], voiced postalveolar affricate.

4. tč = IPA [tʃ], voiceless postalveolar affricate.

5. ts = IPA [ts], voiceless alveolar affricate.

6. tsʼ =IPA [tsʼ], voiceless ejective affricate

7. š = IPA [ʃ], voiceless velar fricative.

There are four vowels in Sarcee (i, a, o and u) and 'i' varies bwteen [i] and [e], the spelling 'e' is [i] phonemically. Tone marksː  ā = median tone; á = high tone, à = low tone.

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