Language name and locationː Sarikoli, Xinjiang, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 萨里库尔语, 中新疆西南部喀什地区塔什库尔干塔吉克族自治县


1. ʔiw

21.  wist at ʔiw

2. ðɔu

22.  wist at ðɔu

3. arɔij

23.  wist at arɔij

4. t͡savur

24.  wist at t͡savur

5. pinz

25.  wist at pinz

6. χejl

26.  wist at χejl

7. ɯvd

27.  wist at ɯvd

8. wɔxt

28.  wist at wɔxt

9. njɛw

29.  wist at njɛw

10. ðɛs

30.  si

11. ðɛs at ʔiw

40.  t͡ʃal

12. ðɛs at ðɔu

50.  pind͡ʒu 

13. ðɛs at arɔij

60.  ɔltmiʃ  <Uighur

14. ðɛs at t͡savur

70.  yɛtmiʃ <Uighur

15. ðɛs at pinz

80.  sɛksɛn <Uighur

16. ðɛs at χejl

90.  tɔqsan <Uighur

17. ðɛs at ɯvd

100. sad

18. ðɛs at wɔxt

200. ðaf sad

19. ðɛs at njɛw

1000. hazur

20. wist

2000. ðɔu hazur


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Pamela Arlund, Director of Training, All Nations Family, USA. February 1, 2013.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Pamela Arlund, 2013 年 2 月 1 日.


Other comments: Sarikoli Tajiki borrowed Uighur numerals 60, 70, 80 and 90. Note on the pronunciation of the Sarikoli number ‘one’. The most standard pronunciation of ‘one’ is in the table above, but there are also variations on it. The most common variation is to have the last sound so fricativized (have so much energy behind it) that it sounds more like /iv . Also, I have sometimes transcribed it without the glottal stop (the symbol that looks like a backwards question mark) in front of it. The numbers for 60-90 are the same as in Uighur. Although there was certainly a way to say these numbers in older Tajik, that way has been completely lost and there is no alternative but to use Uighur numbers. Here are some examples for how to form larger numbers: 27 wist at ɯvd, 54 pindʒu at tsavur, 115 sad at ðɛs at pinz, 243 ðaf sad at tʃal at arɔij (notice that ða becomes ðaf ).
Reference to Wikipedia: The number of Sarikoli speakers is around 35,000; most reside in the Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in southern Xinjiang Province, China.

Language name and locationː Sarikoli, Xinjiang, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 萨里库尔语, 中新疆西南部喀什地区塔什库尔干塔吉克族自治县


1. iu

21.  wist at i

2. ðou

22.  wist at ðou

3. aroi

23.  wist at aroi

4. t͡savur

24.  wist at t͡savur

5. pind͡z

25.  wist at pind͡z

6. χel

26.  wist at χel

7. ɯvd

27.  wist at ɯvd

8. woxt

28.  wist at woxt

9. neu

29.  wist at neu

10. ðes

30.  si

11. ðes at i

40.  t͡ʃal

12. ðes at ðou

50.  pind͡ʒu 

13. ðes at aroi

60.  oltmiʃ  < Uighur

14. ðes at t͡savur

70.  jatmiʃ  < Uighur

15. ðes at pind͡z

80.  saksan  < Uighur

16. ðes at χel

90.  tuqsan  < Uighur

17. ðes at ɯvd

100. sad

18. ðes at woxt


19. ðes at neu

1000. azur

20. wist



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Gao Erqing, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, July 7, 1991
供资料的语言学家: 高尔锵教授, (中国社科院民族研究所), 1991 年 7 月 2 日


Other comments: Sarikoli borrowed Uighur numerals 60, 70, 80 and 90.
Reference to Wikipedia: The number of
Sarikoli speakers is around 35,000; most reside in the Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in southern Xinjiang Province, China.


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