Language name and locationː Saniyo-Hiyewe, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区萨尼约-希耶维语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克省和桑道恩省

A. IMP/SIL (1978),

1. neme (thumb)

21. feni toʔu (other side forearm )

2. nemeroru (index finger)

22. feni morowene (other side wrist )

3. faforu (middle finger)

23. feni ʔerenawe (other side little finger)

4. ororu (ring finger)

24. feni ororu (other side (ring finger)

5. ʔerenawe (little finger)

25. feni faforu (other side middle finger)

6. morowene (wrist)

26. feni nemeroru (other side index finger)

7. toʔu (forearm)

27. feni neme (other side thumb)

8. pife (inside elbow)


9. orowene (upper arm)


10. iyoʔo (shoulder)


11. pereʔi (neck)


12. apanige (ear)


13. nihe (eye)


14. ʔereme (nose) cycle midpoint


15. feni nihe (other side eye)


16. feni apanige (other side ear)


17. feni pereʔi (other side neck)


18. feni iyoʔo (other side shoulder)


19. feni orowene (other side upper arm)


20. feni pife (other side inside elbow)



 B. Dye, Townsend, and Townsend (1968,pp.151-2).

1. heta’i

2. hesi

3. hesi heta (2+1)

4. hesio hesio (2+2)

5. ’ɛrɛtifɛni


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Glen A. Lean, Department of Communications, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.

Sourceː Glendon A. Lean. Counting systems of Papua New Guinea, volume 14, East Sepik Province. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.

Sources: A. IMP/SIL (1978), B. Dye, Townsend, and Townsend (1968,pp.151-2).
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Glen A. Lean, 1991 年.    


Other comments: Sanio, or more precisely Saniyo-Hiyewe, is spoken in 11 villages situated mainly in the Wongamuse River arae in Tunap/Hunstein Rural LLG in East Sepik Province, northern Papua New Guinea. It is also spoken by about 620 speakers in Telefomin Rural LLG, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea.

Data on the Sanio tally system were obtained from SIL. personnel working on the language and who completed an IMP/SIL questionnaire. The tally words are given in Table 20 and a diagram of body-parts used is given in Table A. The Sanio system is a body-part tally one possessing a 27-cycle. Tallying begins with the thumb of one hand (although it is not known whether this is the left or right) proceeding in order to the little finger at a tally of 5, and then to the wrist, forearm, inside, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, neck, ear, and eye. The mid-cycle is reached at a tally of 14 at the nose (lying on the body's vertical axis of symmetry). The 13 remaining tally-points are the symmetrical counterparts of the first 13, tallying proceeding from the other eye through to the other thumb at a tally of 27. The tally-words for the second half-cycle are all prefixed with 'feni-', ie, 'other side-'. This system is similar to those encountered previously in the West Sepik, Western, Southern Highlands, and Gulf Provinces.

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