Language name and location: Matya Samo, Burkina Faso [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区马提亚萨莫, 布基纳法索西部孔西省及马里境内


1. ɡɔ̀rɔ́

21.  fʊrʊ kinɛ ɡɔ̀rɔ́

2. prá

22.  fʊrʊ kinɛ prá

3. tjɔwɔ

23.  fʊrʊ kinɛ tjɔwɔ

4. sí

24.  fʊrʊ kinɛ sí

5. sɔ́rɔ́

25.  fʊrʊ kinɛ sɔ́rɔ́

6. sɛ̀rɛ́           (5+1)

26.  fʊrʊ kinɛ sɛ̀rɛ́

7. tjʊ́sʊ́          (5+2)

27.  fʊrʊ kinɛ tjʊ́sʊ

8. tjisí            (2 x 4)

28.  fʊrʊ kinɛ tjisí

9. ménaŋɡɔrɔ  (10 - 1)

29.  fʊrʊ kinɛ ménaŋɡɔrɔ

10. flè / fʊ̀

30.  fʊrʊtjɔwɔ

11. flèɡɔ̀rɔ́

40.  pìsí

12. flèprá

50.  fʊsɔrɔ́

13. flètjɔwɔ

60.  mentjémé

14. flèsì

70.  báfʊbàlɛ

15. flèsɔ́rɔ

80.  pambárɛ̀

16. flèsɛ̀rɛ́

90.  bapáŋfʊ

17. flètjʊ́sʊ

100. báfʊrʊ

18. flètjisí

200. bánprá

19. flèménaŋɡɔrɔ

1000. pəɡɔ̀rɔ́

20. fʊrʊ / fro

2000. pəprá


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Henning Schreiber, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany, October 2, 2007.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Henning Schreiber, 2007 年 10 月 2 日.


Other comments: Matya Samo has a complicated numeral system with special construction for numbers 6 to 9. The construction for decades 60 to 90 is in irregular

ways. Matya Samo or Northwestern Samo or Northern San Macaa is spoken by approximately 165,000 speakers in Kossi province; Sourou province and Ouagadougou cities, Burkan Faso as well as Mali. The data was from Kassoum dialect of Northern Samo.


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