Language name and locationː Salar, Gansu, Qinghia, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区撒拉语, 青海省循化撒拉族自治县等地新疆维吾尔自治区


1. pir

21.  jiɣɘrmɛ pir

2. i̥ʃki

22.  jiɣɘrmɛ i̥ʃki

3. oʃ

23.  jiɣɘrmɛ

4. t̪iot̪ʰ

24.  jiɣɘrmɛ t̪iot̪ʰ

5. pɛɕ

25.  jiɣɘrmɛ pɛɕ

6. aːl̪t̪ʰɘ̆

26.  jiɣɘrmɛ aːl̪t̪ʰɘ̆

7. jiːt̪ɘ̆

27.  jiɣɘrmɛ jiːt̪ɘ̆

8. saːkʰs

28.  jiɣɘrmɛ saːkʰs

9. t̪oːqʰz

29.  jiɣɘrmɛ t̪oːqʰz

10. on̪

30.  ot̪ːʰs

11. on̪ pir

40.  ɢejrɘχ

12. on̪ i̥ʃki

50.  ɛlli

13. on̪

60.  pir ɛlli on̪ (one 50+10) *

14. on̪ t̪iot̪ʰ

70.  pir ɛlli jiɣɘrmɛ (one 50+20)

15. on̪ pɛɕ

80.  pir ɛlli ot̪ːʰs (one 50+30)

16. on̪ aːl̪t̪ʰɘ̆

90.  pir ɛlli ɢejrɘχ (one 50+40)

17. on̪ jiːt̪ɘ̆

100. i̥ʃki ɛlli  (2 x 50)

18. on̪ saːkʰs

200. t̪iot̪ʰ ɛlli (4 x 50)

19. on̪ t̪oːqʰz

1000. jiɣɘrmɛ ɛlli (20 x 50)

20. jiɣɘrmɛ

2000. ɢejrɘχ ɛlli (40 x 50), 10000.pir zanzə


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Craig Farrow, SIL International, May 3, 2007.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Craig Farrow, 2007 年 5 月 3 日.


Other comments: Salar has a decimal system. Salar has a peculiar traditional system uses a base of 50, which is similar to that of the Khalaj language spoken in Qom province, northeast of Arak, Iran. Nowadays, the Salar people often use Chinese numerals after ten due to frequently contact with Chinese. Salar is spoken by approximately 70,000 speakers (Ethnic population: 130,000), in Jishishan autonomous county, Gansu province, Hualong Hui and Xunhua Salar autonomous counties, Qinghai province, and  Yili, Kazakh autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.

Language name and locationː Salar, Gansu, Qinghia, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区撒拉语, 青海省循化撒拉族自治县等地新疆维吾尔自治区


1. bər

21.  jiɣirme bər

2. iɡi

22.  jiɣirme iɡi

3. udʒ

23.  jiɣirme udʒ

4. diot / døt

24.  jiɣirme diot

5. beʃ

25.  jiɣirme beʃ

6. ɑltə /ɑltʃi

26.  jiɣirme ɑltə

7. jidʒi /jidə

27.  jiɣirme jidʒi

8. sekiz

28.  jiɣirme sekiz

9. doquz

29.  jiɣirme doquz

10. on

30.  odtus

11. on bər

40.  ɢərəχ

12. on igi

50.  elli

13. on udʒ

60.  elli on (50 +10) / ahmuʂ

14. on diot

70.  elli jiɣirme (50+20) / jehmuʃ

15. on beʃ

80.  elli odtus (50+30) / sexsen

16. on ɑltə

90.  elli ɢərəχ (50+40) / toxsen

17. on jidʒi

100. jyz

18. on sekiz

200. iɡi jyz

19. on dohɢəs

1000. miŋ

20. jiɣirme

2000. iɡi miŋ


Sourceː Lin Lianyun, ed, 1986. A Grammatical Sketch of language. Beijing
资料来源ː 《撒拉语简志》, 林莲云编著,1986年


Other comments: Salar has a decimal system, higher numbers 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 can be constructed by 50 plus 10, 20, 30 and 40. Nowadays, the Salar people often use Chinese numerals after ten due to frequently contact with Chinese.


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