Language name and location: Carpathian Romani, Austria [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区喀尔巴阡罗曼尼语 (奥地利变体), 奥地利, 匈牙利等东欧国家


1. jek [ek] / [t͡ʃek]

21.  bischujek [b̥iʃujek]

2. duj [d̥uʲ]

22.  bischuduj [b̥iʃud̥uʲ]

3. trin [trin]

23.  bischutrin [b̥iʃutrin]

4. schtar [ʃtar]

24.  bischuschtar [b̥iʃuʃtar]

5. pantsch [pant͡ʃ]

25.  bischupantsch [b̥iʃupant͡ʃ]

6. schov [ʃof]

26.  bischuschov [b̥iʃuʃof]

7. efta [efta] < Greek

27.  bischuefta [b̥iʃuefta]

8. ofto [ofto]  < Greek

28.  bischuofto [b̥iʃuofto]

9. enja [eɲa]  < Greek

29.  bischuenja [b̥iʃueɲa]

10. desch [d̥eʃ]

30.  tranda [trand̥a] < Greek

11. deschujek [d̥eʃujek]

40.  schtarvardesch [ʃtarʋ̥ard̥eʃ]

12. deschuduj [d̥eʃud̥uʲ]

50.  epaschel [epaʃel] ( 1/2 x 100)

13. deschutrin [d̥eʃutrin]

60.  schovardesch [ʃofʋ̥ardeʃ]

14. deschuschtar [d̥eʃuʃtar]

70.  eftavardesch [eftaʋ̥ard̥eʃ]

15. deschupantsch [d̥eʃupant͡ʃ]

80.  oftovardesch [oftoʋ̥ard̥eʃ]

16. deschuschov [d̥eʃuʃof]

90.  enjavardesch [eɲaʋ̥aed̥eʃ]

17. deschuefta [d̥eʃuefta]

100. schel [ʃel]

18. deschuofto [d̥eʃuofto]

200. dujschel [d̥uʲʃel]

19. deschuenja [d̥eʃueɲa]

1000. eser [ez̥er] / eseri [ez̥eri]

20. bisch [b̥iʃ]

2000. dujeser(i) [d̥uʲezer(i)]


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Dieter W. Halwachs, University of Graz, Austria, June 2, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Dieter W. Halwachs, 1999 年 6 月 2 日.


Other comments: Carpathian Romani numeral system is mixed with Indo-Aryan numerals with Greek borrowings ( 7, 8, 9, and 30). There are alternative terms for 40, 50, 60, 70: 40: dujvarbisch [d̥uʲʋ̥arb̥iʃ] ( 2 x 20 );  50. pantschvardesch [pant͡ʃʋ̥ard̥eʃ]; = 60. trinvarbisch [trinʋarb̥iʃ] ( 3 x 20 ); 70. trinvarbisch taj desch [trinʋ̥arb̥iʃ taʲ d̥eʃ].
The above data was takne from
Burgenland Romani in Austria.


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