Language name and locationː Prasuni, Nuristan, Afghanistan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 普拉逊尼语, 阿富汗东北部努里斯坦省库纳尔省


1. ɪ /ʊpyn

21.  wɪkjæʒ, ɪkjæɪʒ

2. ly

22.  lyæʒ

3. tt͡ʃi

23.  t͡ʃʃeʒ, t͡ʃeʒ

4. t͡ʃpu

24.  t͡ʃɔeʒ

5. wʊˈt͡ʃu

25.  wʊ't͡ʃeʒ

6. wu'ʂ(u)

26.  wʊ'ʂeʒ, wʊ'ʂueʒ

7. sə't(ə)

27.  sət'eʒ, sə'teʒ

8. astə

28.  aːst'eʒ, asteʒ

9. nʊ, nu

29.  nu'eʒ, nu'weʒ

10. ləz(ə)

30.  ləʐʊwæʒ, lezæɪʒ (20+10), 31.ʐuʐwæʒ

11. d͡ʒyz(o), zyz(u)

40.  ljɔɡʐʊ, ʒɪbəze (2 x 20)

12. wyz(o)

50.  led͡ʒebyz, led͡zebɪz [(2 x 20)+10]

13. t͡ʃəzə

60.  t͡ʃət͡ʃeɡ-zu, ʃt͡ʃɔɡzʊ, ʃt͡ʃɔ.ɡzʊ (3 x 20)

14. t͡ʃplʊz

70.  ʃt͡ʃɔɡzʊalɛz [(3 x 20)+10]

15. wɪʃlɪz

80.  t͡ʃpaɡʐʊ, t͡ʃpaɡzʊ (4 x 20)

16. wʊʂʊlt͡s, ʊʂʊlz

90.  t͡ʃpaɡʐʊalɛz [(4 x 20)+10]

17. sɛtlɪz

100. wu't͡ʃeɡʐu, wu't͡ʃeɡzu (5 x 20)

18. as(t)liz, aʃlis

200. lezɛɡʐu, kaʐʐu (10 x 20)

19. naːlt͡s, naːlɪz

400. t͡ʃeɾaʃi, ʃeɾasĩ (20 x 20)

20. ʐu, zu

1000. ləz wʊt͡ʃeɡzo (10 x 5 x 20)


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Almuth Degener, University of Mainz, Germany, December 23, 2013. Data based on Morgenstierne's 1949 book and fieldwork by Prof. Georg Buddruss. IPA transcription referred Mr. Paul Williamson (SIL)'s work on January, 2013.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Almuth Degener, 2013 年 12 月 23 日.


Other comments: Prasuni has a vigesimal numeral system. The big number thousand is loanword from Iranian language, the original meaning is 400. There is an option for 1000 'atəɡ ʃiɾa'ʃi'. Other higher numerals areː 120. wʊ'ʂeɡ-ʐu, 180. nʊveiɡ-'ʐo, nɔw'eɪɡ-zu, 300. wɪʒɪʐʐʊ, 360. aʃ'lid͡ʒu, 5000. wʊˈt͡ʃ ʃeɾa'ʃi, 9000. nʊ ʃiɾa'ʃi.

Prasuni or Vasi-vari, is spoken by approximately 8,000 speakers in Nuristan province: Sech, Shupu (Ishtivi, Shtevgrom), Ucu, Ushut, and Zumu villages; Prasun (Parun) valley on upper reaches of Pech river; small border area with Badakhshan province, Afghanistan.


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