Language name and locationː Pana, CAR, Cameroon, Chad [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区帕那语 (帕尼语 Pani), 中非共和国瓦姆-彭代省, 喀麦隆和乍得


1. mbéw

21.  bonsére ka mbêw

2. sére

22.  bonsére ka sére

3. say

23.  bonsére ka say

4. nɛŋ

24.  bonsére ka nɛŋ

5. ndiɓi

25.  bonsére ka ndiɓi

6. zê

26.  bonsére ka zê

7. zi ndɔʔɔ say     (10 - 3)

27.  bonsére ka zi ndɔʔɔ say

8. zi ndɔʔɔ sére    (10 - 2)

28.  bonsére ka zi ndɔʔɔ sére

9. zi ndɔʔɔ mbêw (10 - 1)

29.  bonsére ka zi ndɔʔɔ mbêw

10. bǒo

30.  bonsay

11. bǒo ka mbêw

40.  bon nɛŋ

12. bǒo ka sére

50.  bon ndiɓi

13. bǒo ka say

60.  bon zê

14. bǒo ka nɛŋ

70.  bon zi ndɔʔɔ say

15. bǒo ka ndiɓi

80.  bon zi ndɔʔɔ sére

16. bǒo ka zê

90.  bon zì ndɔʔɔ mbêw

17. bǒo zi ndɔʔɔ say

100. ísɔt

18. bǒo zi ndɔʔɔ sére

200. ísɔt  sére

19. bǒo zi ndɔʔɔ mbêw

1000. inake mbêw

20. bonsére

2000. inake sére


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ndokobaï Dadak, Department of Linguistics,
University of Yaoundé I / CABTAL, Cameroon. May 27, 2013.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Ndokobaï Dadak, 2013 年 5 月 27 日.


Other comments: Pana has a counting system similar to that of Nzambay and Karang.
Note that it is different from the Pana language of Burkina Faso and Mali, which is a Gur language. Pana or Pani is spoken by approximately 86,000 speakers in

Ouham-Pendé prefecture: Bocaranga subprefecture. Diahoke and Giriwon villages (Gonge dialect); Makele village (Pana dialect), in Central African Republic as well as Cameroon and Chad.


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