Language name and locationː Central Pame, Mexico [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区中部帕梅语, 墨西哥东北部圣路易斯波托西州阿卡普尔科地区


1. ndɑ

21.   ndɑ lien ndɑ

2. nui

22.   ndɑ lien nui

3. rɑnhũʔ

23.   ndɑ lien rɑnhũʔ

4. kiɲui    ( < 2 x 2 )

24.   ndɑ lien kiɲui

5. kikʼɑi ( litː dual-hand )

25.   ndɑ lien kikʼɑi

6. tilijɑ           ( 5 + 1 )

26.   ndɑ lien tilijɑ

7. tiliɲũhũɲ     ( 5 + 2 )

27.   ndɑ lien tiliɲũhũɲ

8. ndɑ ntsɑwʔ  ( lit: 'one eight' )

28.   ndɑ lien ndɑ ntsɑwʔ

9. ndɑ ntsɑwʔ ndɑ ( lit: 'one eight+1' )

29.   ndɑ lien ndɑ ntsɑwʔ ndɑ

10. seskɑʔɑi

30.   ndɑ lien seskɑʔɑi

11. seskɑʔɑi ndɑ

40.   nui lien ( 2 x 20 )

12. seskɑʔɑi nui

50.   nui lien seskɑʔɑi

13. seskɑʔɑi rɑnhũʔ

60.   rɑnhũʔ lien ( 3 x 20 )

14. seskɑʔɑi kiɲui

70.   rɑnhũʔ lien  seskɑʔɑi

15. seskɑʔɑi kikʼɑi

80.   kiɲui lien ( 4 x 20 )

16. seskɑʔɑi tilijɑ

90.   kiɲui lien seskɑʔɑi

17. seskɑʔɑi tiliɲũhũɲ

100.  ndɑ ntsɑwʔ

18. seskɑʔɑi ndɑ ntsɑwʔ

200.  ndɑ ntsɑwʔ

19. seskɑʔɑi ndɑ ntsɑwʔ ndɑ

1000. ndɑ rɑ-tsɑwʔ

20. ndɑ lien

2000. nui rɑ-tsɑwʔ 


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Heriberto Avelino, Department of Linguistics. University of California at Berkeley, USA, November 5, 2008.

提供资的语言: Dr. Heriberto Avelino, 2008 年 11 月 5 日.


Other comments: Central Pame (Xi’oi) or Pame de Santa María Acapulco is spoken by approximately 7,000 speakers in El Madrono area, Queretaro de Arteaga; San Luis Potosí state: Lagunillas, Santa Catarina, and Santa María Acapulco, Mexico. Central Pame has a vigesimal system with special substructure for numerals 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9. There are some peculiarities with high numbers. The form used for '100' is identical to that of '8' and '1000' has what appears to be the same root, -tsɑwʔ.

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