Language name and locationː Paɡibete, DR. of the Congo [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区帕吉贝特语, 刚果民主共和国西北部蒙加拉省和上乌班吉省

Traditional Pagibete number systemː

1. émoti *

2. éɓale 

3. esálo

4. ékwaᵑɡane

5. oɓúmoti

6. esálo esálo ('three three')

7. esálo ékwaᵑɡane ('three four')

8. ékwaᵑɡane ékwaᵑɡane ('four four')

9. ékwaᵑɡane oɓúmoti ('four five') 

10. maɓoko ('hands')

Currently used system among the Pagibeteː

1. émotí

21.  ⁿtúku éɓalé n'émotí 

2. éɓalé  

22.  ⁿtúku éɓalé n'éɓalé   

3. esálo

23.  ⁿtúku éɓalé n'esálo  

4. ékwaᵑɡane

24.  ⁿtúku éɓalé n'ékwaᵑɡane   

5. oɓúmotí

25.  ⁿtúkú éɓalé n'oɓúmotí

6. mɔtɔ́ɓ

26.  ⁿtúkú éɓalé n'mɔtɔ́ɓá  

7. sambɔ

27.  ⁿtúkú éɓalé n'sambɔ  

8. mwambe

28.  ⁿtúkú éɓalé n'mwambe 

9. libwá

29.  ⁿtúkú éɓalé n'libwá  

10. zɔ́mi (Lingala) or maʔoko (Paɡibete)

30.  ⁿtúkú mísátu

11. zɔ́mi n'émotí 

40.  ⁿtúkú mínɛ

12. zɔ́mi n'éɓalé

50.  ⁿtúkú mítánu

13. zɔ́mi n'esálo 

60.  ⁿtúkú mɔtɔ́ɓ

14. zɔ́mi n'ékwaᵑɡane 

70.  ⁿtúkú sambɔ

15. zɔ́mi n'oɓúmoti 

80.  ⁿtúkú mwambe

16. zɔ́mi n'mɔtɔ́ɓ

90.  ⁿtúkú libwá

17. zɔ́mi n'sambɔ

100. mɔkámá

18. zɔ́mi n'mwambe

200. kama míɓalé    

19. zɔ́mi n'libwá

1000. ᵑkɔ́tɔ jɔ́kɔ́

20. ⁿtúkú éɓalé   

2000. kɔ́tɔ iɓale


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. JeDene Reeder, SIL International, Senior Literacy Consultant SIL-WAF. January 11, 2018.

Referenceː Rev. Nzongo Roger, pastor of CEUM and translator, French-Pagibete, 2010

供资料的语言学家: Dr. JeDene Reeder, 2018 年 1 月 11 日.


Other comments: Paɡibete or Apagibete is spoken by approximately 28,000 speakers

Mongala province: Bumba territory and Nord-Ubangi province: Businga and Yakoma territories. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Paɡibete has a decimal system

 The traditional Pagibete number system has numbers for one to five; after five, they used to use an addition system, except for ten, which is the word for ‘hands’.
 Table 5. Traditional Pagibete Counting, 1-10
 1 émotí ‘one’ 6 esálo esálo ‘three three’
 2 éɓalé ‘two’ 7 esálo ékwaᵑɡane ‘three four’
 3 esálo ‘three’ 8 ékwaᵑɡane ékwaᵑɡane ‘four four’
 4 ékwaᵑɡane ‘four’ 9 ékwaᵑɡane oɓúmoti ‘four five’
 5 oɓúmotí ‘five’ 10 maɓɔkɔ ‘hands’


Today, while they continue to use their words for one through five, and sometimes that for ten, they commonly use the Lingala numbers for six through ten.
When used in counting, numbers one through four have the form é-+ stem. When used as adjectives, they have the form concord marker + stem (29). ‘Five’, o
ɓúmotí, has an invariable form, which appears to be composed of the class 15 prefix o-, plus the 3PL affix ɓú, plus the stem for ‘one’,
-motí (‘they ones’, referring to the five digits on a hand?).

(29) Numbers as adjectives
a) N-tó ó-motí b) e-
ɓembé lé-motí
c.1-person c.1-one c.5-house c.5-one

ɓa-tó ɓí-balé d) ma-ɓembé mi-sálo
c.2-person c.2-two c.6-house c.6-three

The Lingala numbers generally remain invariable in form, as they do in the dialect of Lingala spoken in the area. For numbers larger than ten, the Pagibete typically mix the two systems. This is shown in table 6.

Table 6. Counting in Present-Day Pagibete
1 émotí 11 zomi n’émotí
2 é
ɓalé 12 zomi n’ébɓ
3 esálo 13 zomi n’esálo
4 ékwa
ᵑɡane etc.
5 o
6 moto
ɓa 20 ntuku éɓalé
7 sambo 21 ntuku ébalé n’émotí
8 mwambe 23 ntuku esálo n’esálo
9 libwá etc.
10 zomi (Lingala) or ma
ɓoko (Pagibete)

Language name and locationː Paɡibete, DR. of the Congo [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区帕吉贝特语, 刚果民主共和国西北部蒙加拉省和上乌班吉省


1. moti

21.  uku eɓale na emoti

2. eɓale 

22.  uku eɓale na eɓale

3. esalo

23.  uku eɓale na esalo

4. ekwaŋane

24.  uku eɓale na ekwaŋane

5. ɓumoti

25.  uku eɓale na ɓumoti

6. motoɓa

26.  uku eɓale na motoɓa

7. sambo

27.  uku eɓale na sambo

8. mwambe

28.  uku eɓale na mwambe

9. libwa

29.  uku eɓale na libwa

10. zomi

30.  uku esalo

11. zomi na mɔkɔ

40.  uku ekwaŋane

12. zomi na eɓale

50.  uku oɓumoti

13. zomi na esalo

60.  uku motoɓa

14. zomi na ekwaŋane

70.  uku sambo

15. zomi na ɓumoti

80.  uku mwambe

16. zomi na motoɓa

90.  uku libwa

17. zomi na sambo

100. kama

18. zomi na ɓómwambe

200. kama eɓale

19. zomi na libwa

1000. koto

20. uku eɓale

2000. koto eɓale


Linguist providing data and dateː Rev. Nzongo Roger through Ms. Sharon Morgan, SIL International. April 18, 2012.

供资料的语言学家: Rev. Nzongo Roger, 2012 年 4 月 18 日.


Other comments: Paɡibete or Apagibete is spoken by approximately 28,000 speakers

Mongala province: Bumba territory and Nord-Ubangi province: Businga and Yakoma territories. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Paɡibete has a decimal system.


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