Language name and locationː Mezquital Otomi, Mexico [ Refer to Ethnologue ]

言名称和分布地区: 梅兹基塔尔谷-奥托米语 (赫纳赫努语 Hñähñu), 墨西哥中部伊达尔戈州梅兹基塔尔山谷


1. nʔa

21.   nʔate ma nʔa

2. joho

22.   nʔate ma joho

3. hɲũ   *

23.   nʔate ma hɲũ 

4. ɡohó

24.   nʔate ma ɡohó

5. kɨtʔa

25.   nʔate ma kɨtʔa

6. ɾʔató

26.   nʔate ma ɾʔato

7. jotó     ( 5+2 )

27.   nʔate ma jotó

8. hɲãtó ( lit: 'one eight' )

28.   nʔate ma hɲãtó

9. ɡɨtó

29.   nʔate ma ɡɨtó

10. ɾʔæ̌tʔa

30.   nʔate ʔnẽ ʔdætʔa

11. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma nʔa

40.   ɲote ( 2 x 'te' )

12. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma joho

50.   ɲote ma ɾʔæ̌tʔa

13. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma hɲũ 

60.   hɲũɾʔate  ( 3 x 'te' )

14. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma ɡohó

70.   hɲũɾʔate ma ɾʔæ̌tʔa

15. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma kɨtʔa

80.   ɡohóɾʔate  ( 4 x 'te' )

16. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma ɾʔato

90.   ɡohóɾʔate ma ɾʔæ̌tʔa

17. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma jotó

100. nʔanθebe, 200. jonθebe

18. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma hɲãtó

400.  ɡohónθebe, 800. hɲãtónθebe

19. ɾʔæ̌tʔa ma ɡɨtó

1000. nʔamʔo

20. nʔate

2000. jomʔo


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Elias Espino Castaño, SIL International, Mexico, October 25, 2019.

提供资的语言: Mr. Elias Espino Castaño, 2019 年 10 月 25 日


Other comments: Mezquital Otomi (Hñähñu) or Mezquital Valley Otomi (Valle del Mezquital in Spanish) is spoken by approximately 88,000 in Hidalgo state: Mezquital valley; México state: north border, Mexico. Mezquital Otomi (Hñähñu) or Mezquital Valley Otomi (Valle del Mezquital in Spanish)  has a vigesimal numeral system and the number 20 (all digits of hands and feet) serves as a base for larger numbers:  20+10=30, 2 x 20=40, half of one hundred=50, 40+10=50, 3 x 20=60, etc. 1 x100=100. This language is spoken in Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo, Mexico.

Note that the traditional American phonetic notationsː 1. ñ =IPA [ɲ]; 2 y =IPA [j]. Hñähñu is tonal language. The "h" symbol for number 3 must be nasal-palatal, but I could not find a symbol for this one, so I left it as an h even though it is not fricative-glottal. The name of this language is Hñähñu, some named it as Otomí, but for hñähñu people, it could be pejorative to be called “otomi”, their language or themselves. There is another language spoken in some other regions called Otomí; it’s similar, but it is not the same.

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