Language name and locationː Okanagan, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区奥卡纳甘语, 加拿加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华及美国


1. náqs

21.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬnáqs

2. ʔasíl

22.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬʔasíl

3. kaʔɬís

23.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬkaʔɬís

4. mús

24.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬmús

5. cílkst 

25.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬcílkst 

6. tʼáqʼəmkst

26.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬtʼáqʼəmkst

7. síspʼəlkʼ

27.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬsíspʼəlkʼ

8. tímɬ

28.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬtímɬ

9. x̩x̩nʼút

29.  ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬx̩x̩nʼút

10. ʔúpnkst / ʔúpənkst *

30.  kàʔɬəlʔúpnkst

11. ʔùpənkstɬnáqs

40.  məsɬʔúpnkst

12. ʔùpənkstɬʔasíl

50.  cəlklʔúpnkst

13. ʔùpənkstɬkaʔɬís

60.  tʼáqʼmkɬʔupnkst / tʼáqʼmkɬʔupənkst *

14. ʔùpənkstɬmús

70.  sispʼəlkʼɬʔúpnkst / səspʼəlkʼɬʔúpənkst *

15. ʔùpənkstɬcílkst 

80.  tmɬʔúpnkst / təmɬʔúpənkst *

16. ʔùpənkstɬtʼáqʼəmkst

90.  x̩x̩nʼútɬʔúpnkst / x̩əx̩nʼɬʔúpənkst *

17. ʔùpənkstɬsíspʼəlkʼ

100. x̩ccíkst / x̩əcəíkst *

18. ʔùpənkstɬtímɬ

200. ʔasilx̩ccíkst / ʔàsəlxə̩cəcíkst *

19. ʔùpənkstɬx̩x̩nʼút

1000. ʔùpənkstɬx̩əcəcíkst * ( 10 x 100 )

20. ʔəsəlʔúpnkst / ʔasəlʔúpənkst

2000. ʔàsəlʔùpənkstɬx̩əcəcíkst * ( 20 x 100 )


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. M. Dale Kinkade, Department of of Linguistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, March 12, 1990.

Prof. Anthony Mattina, Department of Linguistics, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA, March 19, 2008.

提供资的语言: Prof. M. Dale Kinkade, 1990 年 3 月 12 日, Prof. Anthony Mattina, 2008 年 3 月 19 日.


Other commentsː Okanagan or Colville-Okanagan, Nselxcin is a nearly extinct language speakers by approximately 360 speakers and 5,700 ethnic population in

British Columbia province: 7 reserves: Douglas Lake, Hedley, Keremeos, Oliver, Penticton, Vernon, Westbank; east of Fraser Valley and west of Kootenai, Canada as well as United States.  Okanagan has a decimal system. The data Prof. M. Dale Kinkade was based on Colville dialect. The data for the compound numbers 11 to 19, 21 to 19 and the numbers with an asterisk were provided by Prof. Anthony Mattina. There is some variation amongst the various dialects of Okanagan, Prof. Mattina's is standard one.

The Americanist Phonetic Notation: x̩ or x̌ = IPA voiceless uvular fricative [χ];

tʼ and pʼ are voiceless glottalized bilabial and alveolar stops, respectively, tʼ = IPA [tˀ] and pʼ = IPA [pˀ].

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