Language name and locationː Nyabwa, Côte d'Ivoire [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区尼亚布瓦语,  科特迪瓦西南部下萨桑德拉区和萨桑德拉-马拉韦区


1. do4

21.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2ɛ1 lu4e2

2. sɔ̃2

22.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 sɔ̃2

3. tã3

23.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 tã3

4. ɲiɛ33

24.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 ɲiɛ33

5. mu4u1

25.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 mu4u1

6. mɛ4ɛ1lo4   (5+1)

26.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 4ɛ1lo4 

7. mɛ4ɛ1sɔ̃2    (5+2)

27.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 4ɛ1sɔ̃2

8. mɛ4ɛ1tã  (5+4)

28.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 41na

9. mɛ4ɛ1ɲiɛ33 (5+5)

29.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 4ɛ1ɲiɛ33

10. bue44

30.  ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2 2 bue44  (20 +10)

11. bue44 2ɛ1 lu4e2

40.  ɡwlʊ4 sɔ̃2  (20 x 2)

12. bue44 2 sɔ̃2

50.  ɡwlʊ4 sɔ̃22 bue44

13. bue44 2 tã3

60.  ɡwlʊ4 tã(20 x 3)

14. bue44 2 ɲiɛ33

70.  ɡwlʊ4 tã2 bue44

15. bue44 2 mu4u1

80.  ɡwlʊ4 ɲiɛ33 (20 x 4)

16. bue44 2 4ɛ1lo4 

90.  ɡwlʊ4 ɲiɛ33  2 bue44

17. bue44 2 4ɛ1sɔ̃2

100. ɡwlʊ4 mu4u1 (20 x 5)

18. bue44 2 41na

200. ɡwlʊ4 bue44 (20 x 10 ), 400. du1 lu4e2

19. bue44 2 4ɛ1ɲiɛ33

1000. dui1 sɔ̃2 ɡwlʊ4 bue44

20. ɡwlʊ4 lu4e2

2000. dui1 mu4u(400 x 5)


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Julie Bentinck, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Côte d'Ivoire, April 4, 1997

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Julie Bentinck, 1997 年 4 月 4 日.


Other comments: Nyabwa or Nyaboa has a quinary, vigesimal system. There is a word for 400 and 1000 is dui1 sɔ̃2 ɡwlʊ4 bue44 (400x 2+20+10).

Nyabwa is spoken by approximately 82,000 speakers in northwest Bas-Sassandra district as well as Sassandra-Marahoué district, Côte d'Ivoire.


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