Language name and location: Noone, NW region, Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue ]

言名称和分布地区诺内语 (Noni 诺尼), 喀麦隆西北区布伊州


1. māŋ̀

21.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w mwàŋ

2. fɛ́ɛ́

22.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w fɛ́ɛ́

3. tɛɛ

23.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w tɛ

4. nɛ  *

24.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w nɛ

5. tin

25.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w tīn

6. sɔɔtʃàn   

26.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w sɔɔtʃàn

7. sɔɔʃwî   

27.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w sɔɔʃwî

8. ɲàŋ       

28.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w ɲàŋ

9. bvùùkɛ

29.  mbaaŋfíɛ́ ntʃɔ̀w bvùùkɛ

10. joofè   

30.  mbaanʃɛ

11. ntʃɔ̀w mwàŋ

40.  mbaannɛ

12. ntʃɔ̀w fɛ́ɛ́

50.  mbaanʃen

13. ntʃɔ̀w tɛ

60.  mbaansɔɔtʃàn

14. ntʃɔ̀w nɛ

70.  mbaansɔɔʃwî

15. ntʃɔ̀w tīn

80.  mbaanɲàŋ

16. ntʃɔ̀w sɔɔtʃàn

90.  mbaaŋbvùùkɛ

17. ntʃɔ̀w sɔɔʃwî

100. ɡwéé

18. ntʃɔ̀w ɲàŋ

200. ɡéé fɛ́ɛ́  ??

19. ntʃɔ̀w bvùùkɛ

1000. ntfùkè

20. mbaaŋfíɛ́

2000. ntfùkè fɛ́ɛ́   ??


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Larry M. Hyman, Department of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley, USA, November 28, 2007.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Larry M. Hyman, 2007 年 11 月 28 日.


Other comments: Noone or Noni, Nooni is spoken by approximately 40,000 speakers in North West region: Bui division, northwest Kumbo subdivision, Cameroon.

Noni has a decimal system. There are three level (register ) tones in Noniː High = á, Mid = ā  and Low= à, and there are six contour tones (LH, LM, HL, HM, MH and ML). The tone in number 4 is a ML tone. c=[tʃ],  sh=[ʃ], ñ=[ɲ] and y=[j]


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