Language name and location: Monzombo, CAR, Congo [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区蒙宗博语, 刚果北部利夸拉省, 中非共和国和民主刚果


1. k͡póì

21.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ k͡póì

2. bīʃì

22.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ bīʃì

3. bālà

23.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ bālà

4. bàānā

24.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ bàānā

5. vūè

25.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ vūè

6. ʃítà

26.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ ʃítà

7. ʃíēnā

27.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ ʃíēnā

8. sɛ́nā

28.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ sɛ́nā

9. ʔi̋vúēnā

29.  nʒò bīʃì kɔ́nɔ̄ ʔi̋vúēnā

10. nʒò k͡pā̰ (litː 'head of hand or arm')

30.  nʒò bālà

11. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ k͡póì  *

40.  nʒò bàānā

12. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ bīʃì

50.  nʒò vūè

13. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ bālà

60.  nʒò ʃítà

14. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ bàānā

70.  nʒò ʃíēnā

15. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ vūè

80.  nʒò sɛ́nā

16. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ ʃítà

90.  nʒò ʔi̋vúēnā

17. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ ʃíēnā

100. mò̬kāmā < Lingala ' mònkámá '

18. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ sɛ́nā


19. nʒò k͡pā̰ kɔ́nɔ̄ ʔi̋vúēnā


20. nʒò bīʃì



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Luc Bouquiaux, CNRS-LACITO, Paris, France, April 18, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Luc Bouquiaux, 1999 年 4 月 18 日.


Other comments: Monzombo or Mondjembo, Monjombo is spoken by approximately

20,000 speakers in Likouala department: on Oubangui river., Congo as well as Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic. Monzombo has a decimal system. For number 10, which literally means ''head of hand or arm'', i.e. the ten fingers. The number hundred is a loan from Lingala language. Monzombo is a four level tonal language, a̋ = super-high, á = high, ā = mid, à = low. There are nasal vowels, which are expressed by a subscript tilde 'a̰'.


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