Language name and location: Mbulungish, Boké region, Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区姆布伦吉斯 (巴加-富雷语 Baga-Foré), 几内亚西部博凯区


1. kiben

21.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ kiben

2. cidi

22.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ cidi

3. citɛt

23.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ citɛt

4. cinɛŋ

24.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ cinɛŋ

5. susa

25.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ susa

6. suakben ( 5 + 1 )

26.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ suakben

7. suakdi   ( 5 + 2 )

27.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ suakdi

8. suaktɛt  ( 5 + 3 )

28.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ suaktɛt

9. suaknɛŋ ( 5 + 4 )

29.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di nɛ suaknɛŋ

10. ɛtɛlɛ

30.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn tɛt

11. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ kiben

40.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛn nɛŋ

12. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ cidi

50.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔn sua

13. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ citɛt

60.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔn suakben

14. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ cinɛŋ

70.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔn suakdi

15. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ susa

80.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔn suaktɛt

16. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ suakben

90.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔn suaknɛŋ

17. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ sɑkben

100. bɔ ben, 200. cubɔ cidi

18. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ sɑktɛt

400. cubɔ cinɛŋ, 800. cubɔ suaktɛt

19. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ sɑknɛŋ

1000. tɛnɡbɛŋ ben

20. ɛtɛlɛ mɛn di

2000. mɛnɡbɛŋ cidi


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. David Burke, New Tribes Mission, Guinea, November 8, 2019.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. David Burke 2019 年 11 月 8 日.


Other comments: Mbulungish or Baga Foré is spoken by approximately 5,000 speakers in several coastal villages north of Nunez river, Boké region, Guinea. Mbulungish has a decimal system with a strict base-five structure.The numbers 2, 3 and 4 has two options, depending on dialects. Mbulungish is not a tonal language. Note: c= IPA [tʃ]

Language name and location: Mbulungish, Boké region, Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区姆布伦吉斯 (巴加-富雷语 Baga-Foré), 几内亚西部博凯区


1. kiben

21.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ kiben

2. ʃidi / tʃidi

22.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ ʃidi / tʃidi

3. ʃitɛt / tʃitɛt

23.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ ʃitɛt / tʃitɛt

4. ʃinɛŋ / tʃinɛŋ

24.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ ʃinɛŋ / tʃinɛŋ

5. susɑ

25.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ susɑ

6. sɑkben (5+1)

26.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ sɑkben

7. sɑkdi   (5+2)

27.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ sɑkdi

8. sɑktɛt  (5+3)

28.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ sɑktɛt

9. sɑknɛŋ (5+4)

29.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi nɛ sɑknɛŋ

10. ɛtɛlɛ

30.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛntɛt

11. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ kiben

40.  ɛtɛlɛ mɛnɛŋ

12. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ ʃidi / tʃidi

50.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔnsɑ

13. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ ʃitɛt / tʃitɛt

60.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔnsɑkben

14. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ ʃinɛŋ / tʃinɛŋ

70.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔnsɑkdi

15. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ susɑ

80.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔnsɑktɛt

16. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ sɑkben

90.  ɛtɛlɛ mɔnsɑknɛŋ

17. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ sɑkdi

100. bɔben

18. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ sɑktɛt

200. ʃubɔ ʃidi / tʃubɔ tʃidi

19. ɛtɛlɛ nɛ sɑknɛŋ

1000. tɛnɡbeŋ ben

20. ɛtɛlɛ mɛndi

2000. ʃitɛnɡbeŋ ʃidi / tʃitɛnɡbeŋ tʃidi


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Gene Bacon through Mr. Kirk Rogers, New Tribes Mission, Guinea, April 20, 2007.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Gene Bacon, 2007 年 4 月 20 日.


Other comments: Mbulungish has a decimal system with a strict base-five structure.The numbers 2, 3 and 4 has two options, depending on dialects. Mbulungish is not a tonal language. Mbulungish or Baga Foré is spoken by approximately 5,000 speakers in several coastal villages north of Nunez river, Boké region, Guinea


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