Language name and location: Mbore, Papua New Guinea [Ref. to Ethnologue ]
言名称和分布地区姆博雷语 (加梅语 Gamei), 巴布亚新几内亚马当省拉穆河东岸


1. kabe

2. mbuni

3. mbo:naka (2 +1)

4. pa:war

5. parmbe (lit: ''one hand")

10. pami (lit: ''two hands'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Glen A. Lean, Department of Communications, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.
Sourceː Glendon A. Lean. Counting systems of Papua New Guinea, volume 15, Madang Province Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Glen A. Lean, 1991 年.


Other comments: Gamei or Mbore is spoken in eight villages at (Z'graggen, 1975, p.33), had a total population 1,188 (1980). The villages are situated in the extreme north of the Madang Province near the border with the East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.

The above data taken from Arthur Capell (1955 / 52. p.135) whose study of the languages of the Bogia district, based on filed work carried out in 1949. Capell indicates that 'par" is 'hand', or 'arm' and the forms the root of  5, 'one hand', and 10, 'two hands'. The basic numeral set appears to be (1, 2, 4 ) and 3 appears to have a '2 +1" construction. These data suggest that the system is a digit-tally one with a (2, 5) cyclic pattern. New data needed to compare with the old one.

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