Language name and location: Mbato, Petit Alépé, Côte d'Ivoire [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区姆巴托语, 科特迪瓦共和国南部阿莱佩省


1. lok͡po / dogbo


2. ŋ-nuɔn  / nwã


3. nuɔnje  / nwãngye


4. nɔnnɪ  / nwãni


5. nɔnaan / nwãnã


6. okwaa / okwa


7. obhesen / obise


8. obhui / obwi


9. otru  / otoru


10. owaa  / owa

30. opɛɛn odhi waa (20+10)

11. owaa odhi lok͡po

40. ŋpibɔ

12. owaa odhi ŋ-nuɔn

50. ŋpibɔ odhi waa / ablunyon

13. owaa odhi nuɔnje

60. owa wa okwaa (10 x 6) /

     ŋpibɔ odhi opɛɛn (40+20)

14. owaa odhi nɔnnɪ

70. owa wa obhesen (10 x 7)

15. owaa odhi nɔnaan

80. owa wa obhui (10 x 8)

16. owaa odhi okwaa

90. owa wa otru (10 x 9 ) ?

17. owaa odhi obhesen

100. yaa [jaː],  110. yaa odhi owaa

18. owaa odhi obhui

200. yaa ŋ-nuɔn 

19. owaa odhi otru

1000. ak͡pɛɛn, 1100. ak͡pɛɛn odhi yaa

20. opɛɛn



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Inge Egner, Société Internationale de Linguistique (SIL-International), Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, July 4, 1989, September 20, 2007. 
Source: 1983, Zepp, Raymondː L'a Apprentissage du Calcul dans les Langues de Côte d'Ivoire / The Learning of arithmetic in the Languages of Côte d'Ivoire. Instutut de Linguistique Appliquee / Institute of Applied Linguistics, Dépôt Légal de Côte d'Ivoire, nᵒ 99. 
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Inge Egner, 1989 年 7 月 4 日, 2007 年 9 月 20 日. 


Other comments: Mbato has a traditional vigesimal system and a modern decimal system. Need to checked with new data in IPA transcription with tone marks. 

Mbato is spoken by approximately 25,000 speakers in Comoé district: Comoé river east bank; Lagunes district: Petit Alépé subprefecture, Côte d'Ivoire.


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