Language name and location: Mbandja, DR Congo, CAR, Congo [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区姆班扎语, 刚果民主共和国, 中非共和国和刚果境内


1. bale

21.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi mɑnɑ bɑle

2. ɓìsi

22.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi mɑnɑ ɓìsi

3. vɔtɑ

23.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi mɑnɑ vɔtɑ

4. vɑnɑ

24.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi mɑnɑ vɑnɑ

5. mindu

25.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi mɑnɑ mindu

6. ɡɑzɑlɑ

26.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi mɑnɑ ɡɑzɑlɑ

7. ɡɑzɑlɑ mɑnɑ bɑle (6+1)

27.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi tsɑpanɑ ɡɑzɑlɑ mɑnɑ bɑle

8. nɡebeɗeɗe

28.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi mɑnɑ nɡebeɗeɗe

9. nɡebeɗeɗe mɑnɑ bɑle (8+1)

29.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi tsɑpanɑ nɡebeɗeɗe m. b.

10. ɓufu

30.  ɡbɑfunɑ vɔtɑ / ɡbɑnɑ vɔtɑ

11. ɓufu mɑnɑ bɑle

40.  ɡbɑfunɑ vɑnɑ / ɡbɑnɑ  vɑnɑ

12. ɓufu mɑnɑ ɓìsi

50.  ɡbɑfunɑ mindu / ɡbɑnɑ mindu

13. ɓufu mɑnɑ vɔtɑ

60.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɡɑzɑlɑ / ɡbɑnɑ ɡɑzɑlɑ

14. ɓufu mɑnɑ vɑnɑ

70.  ɡbɑfunɑ ɡɑzɑlɑ mɑnɑ bɑle

15. ɓufu mɑnɑ mindu

80.  ɡbɑfunɑ nɡebeɗeɗe

16. ɓufu mɑnɑ ɡɑzɑlɑ

90.  ɡbɑfunɑ nɡebeɗeɗe mɑnɑ bɑle

17. ɓufu tsɑpɑnɑ ɡɑzɑlɑ mɑnɑ bɑle

100. kɑmɑ bale < Bangala

18. ɓufu mɑnɑ nɡebeɗeɗe

200. kamɑ ɓìsi

19. ɓufu tsɑpɑnɑ mɑnɑ nɡebeɗeɗe bɑle

1000. koto < Bangala

20. ɡbɑfunɑ ɓìsi / ɡbɑ nɑ ɓìsi

2000. koto ɓìsi


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Elaine Thomas, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Central African Republic, 7 January, 1993. Mr. Jim Fultz, Summer Institute of Linguistics, May 10, 1997.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Elaine Thomas, 1993 年 1 月 7 日. Mr. Jim Fultz , 1997 年 5 月 10 日


Other comments: Mbandja or Mbanza is spoken by approximately 370,000 speakers in Sud-Ubangi, Nord-Ubangi, and west Mongala provinces, Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as Central African Republic and Congo. Mbandja or Mbanza has a decimal system with special constructions for 6 to 9. The numbers 6 and 8 are also used by a neighboring group, Ngbaka. It is not clear if one group borrowed it from the other. Because of the long constructions for 7 and 9, these digits also go by their Lingala (trade language) namesː sambo (7) and libwa (9). kama (100) and koto (1000) are Lingala borrowings.


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