Language name and location: Mazaderani, Mazandaran, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 赞德兰语, 伊朗首都德黑兰北部里海南岸赞德兰省地区


1. yak [jæk] / yek [jɛk]

21.  bis(t)-o-yak

2. de [de] / do [do] 

22.  bis(t)-o-de

3. se [se]

23.  bis(t)-o-se

4. čār [t͡ʃaːr]

24.  bis(t)-o-čār

5. panǰ [pand͡ʒ]

25.  bis(t)-o-panǰ

6. šeš [ʃeʃ]

26.  bis(t)-o-šeš

7. haft [haft]

27.  bis(t)-o-haft

8. hašt [haʃt]

28.  bis(t)-o-hašt

9. ne [ne] /no [no]

29.  bis(t)-o-ne

10. da [da]

30.  si [si]

11. āze [aːze] /yevazze [jevazze] 

40.  čehel [t͡ʃehel] /čel [t͡ʃel]

12. davāze [davaːze] /devazze

50.  panǰa [pand͡ʒa] /penjǎ [pend͡ʒa]

13. seze [seze] sizze [sizze]

60.  šas [ʃaʃ]

14. čarde [t͡ʃarde]

70.  haftād [haftaːd] /heftad [heftad]

15. punze [ˈpunze]

80.  haštād [haʃtaːd] /heštad [heʃtad]

16. šunze [ˈʃunze]

90.  navad [ˈnavad] / naved [ˈnaved]

17. hevde [ˈhevde] /hivde [ˈhivde]

100. sad [sad]

18. heǰde [ˈhed͡ʒde]/hizde [ˈhizde]

200. de sad [ˈde ˌsad] /devis [ˈdevis]

19. nuze [ˈnuze]

1000. hezār [hezaːr]

20. bis(t) [bis(t)]

2000. de hezār [ˈde ˌhezaːr]


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Testuo Nawata, Tokyo University of of Foreign Studies, Japan, February 3, 1999. Double checked by Prof. Abolghasem Esmailpour (Native speaker of Mazaderani).
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Testuo Nawata, 1999 年 2 月 3 日.


Other comments: Mazanderani has a decimal system similar to that of Persian. Mazanderani is spoken by approximately 2,300,000 speakers in Mazandaran province, Golestan and Semnan provinces, Iran.


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