Language name and location: Marathi, Maharashtra State, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区马拉地语, 印度中部马哈施特拉邦, 安得拉邦, 中央邦等地区


1. ek

21.  ekvis

2. don

22.  bavis

3. tin

23.  tevis

4. t͡ʃar

24.  t͡ʃovis

5. pat͡s

25.  pənt͡ʃvis

6. səha

26.  səvːis /səhvːis

7. sat

27.  sətːavis

8. ɑʈʰ

28.  əʈʈʰavis

9. nəu

29.  ekoɳtis (30 - 1)

10. dəha

30.  tis

11. əkra

40.  t͡ʃaɭis

12. bara

50.  pənnəs

13. tera

60.  saʈʰ

14. t͡səvda

70.  səttər

15. pəndʰra

80.  õyʃi

16. soɭa

90.  nəvvəd

17. sətra

100. ʃəmbʰər

18. əʈʰra

200. don ʃe

19. ekoɳ.is /ekuɳis (20 - 1)

1000. ek həd͡ʒar

20. vis

2000. don həd͡ʒar


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Franklin C. Southworth, University of Pennsylvania, USA, June 18, 2002.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Franklin C. Southworth, 2002年 6 月 18 日.


Other comments: Marathi has a decimal system. Marathi or Maharashtra, Maharathi, Malhatee, Marthi, Muruthu is spoken by approximately 99,000,000 speakers in

Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh states; Belgaum, Bidar, and Karnataka districts of Maharashtra state, India as well as Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Israel, Mauritius, New Zealand, Oman and United States.


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