Language name and location: Mandeali, Himachal Pradesh, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区曼迪阿里语, 印度北部喜马偕尔邦曼迪区


1. ek [ek]

21.  ikki [ɪkki]

2. do [d̪o]

22.  bāi [bɑi]

3. tīn [t̪ɪn]

23.  tei [t̪ei]

4. cār [t͡ʃɑr]

24.  cɔbi [t͡ʃɔbi]

5. panɟ [pand͡ʒ]

25.  panɟi [pənd͡ʒi]

6. che [t͡ʃʰe]

26.  chabbi [t͡ʃʰəbbi]

7. satt [sət̪t̪]

27.  satāi [sɑt̪ɑi]

8. aṭh [əʈʰ]

28.  ṭhāi [ʈʰɑi]

9. nɔ [nɔ]

29.  untti [ʊɳt̪ti] (30 - 1)

10. dəs [d̪əs]

30.  tī̀ [t̪ì]

11. gyārā [gjɑrɑ]

40.  cālī [t͡ʃɑɭi]

12. bārā [bɑrɑ]

50.  panjà [pəd͡ʒɑ̀]

13. tèrā [t̪èrɑ]

60.  ṣaṭh [səʈʰ]

14. codā [t͡ʃəʊd̪ɑ]

70.  sàttar [sə̀t̪t̪ər]

15. pandrā [pənd̪rɑ]

80.  assī [əssi]

16. solā [soɭɑ]

90.  nabbe [nəbbɛ]

17. sətārā [sətɑrɑ]

100. sɔ [sɔ]

18. ṭharā [ʈʰɑrɑ]

200. do sɔ [d̪o sɔ]

19. unni [ʊnni] (20 - 1)

1000. haɟā̀r [həd͡ʒɑ̀r]

20. bì [bì]

2000. do haɟā̀r [do həd͡ʒɑ̀r]


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. S. R. Sharma and Dr. H. C. Patyal, Pune Research Colleague, Pune, India, January, 2003.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. S. R. Sharma and Dr. H. C. Patyal, 2003 年 1 月 1 日.


Other comments: Mandeali or Mandyali has a decimal system very similar to that of Kangri. Mandeali or Mandyali is spoken by approximately 620,000 speakers in Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh state, northern India.


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