Language name and location: Cameroon Mambila, Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区喀麦隆曼比拉语, 喀麦隆中部阿达马瓦区马约-巴尼奥州


1. tʃɛ́n

21.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b tʃɛ́n

2. fàl

22.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b fàl

3. taɡár

23.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b taɡár

4. neà

24.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b neà

5. tîn

25.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b tîn

6. téndʒɛ́n  ( 5+ 1 )

26.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b téndʒɛ́n

7. tébɛl      ( 5+ 2 )

27.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b tébɛl

8. téndɛle  ( 5+ 3 )

28.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b téndɛle

9. tárɛ̀neà  ( 5+ 4 )

29.  ndɛ̀toón tʃùɔ̀b tárɛ̀neà

10. julà

30.  julà taɡár

11. julà tʃùɔ̀b tʃɛ́n

40.  julà neà

12. julà tʃùɔ̀b fàl

50.  julà tîn

13. julà tʃùɔ̀b taɡár

60.  julà téndʒɛ́n

14. julà tʃùɔ̀b neà

70.  julà tébɛl

15. julà tʃùɔ̀b tîn

80.  julà téndɛle

16. julà tʃùɔ̀b téndʒɛ́n

90.  julà tárɛ̀neà

17. julà tʃùɔ̀b tébɛl

100. juií

18. julà tʃùɔ̀b téndɛle

200. juií fàl

19. julà tʃùɔ̀b tárɛ̀neà

1000. bɔ̀rɔ̀ < Fulani

20. ndɛ̀toón

2000. bɔ̀rɔ̀ fàl


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Mona Perrin, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Cameroon, November 11, 2007.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Mona Perrin, 2007 年 11 月 11 日.


Other comments: Cameroon Mambila or Jù Bà is spoken by approximately 30,000 speakers in Adamawa region: northwest Mayo-Banyo division, Banyo and Bankim subdivisions on Nigeria border; North West region: eastern Donga-Mantung division, Cameroon. Cameroon Mambila has a decimal numeral systems with special forms for numbers 6 to 8. They use Fulani loan for 'thousand'. The data is from Atta dialect. The original symbols usedː c=[tʃ], j=[dʒ] and y=[ j ].


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