Language name and location: Maldivian, Maldives, India [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区马尔代夫 (Dhivehi), 马尔代夫, 印度


1. ekeh [ekeʔ]       

21.  ekaavees [ekaːvi:s]

2. dheyh [d̪eːʔ]

22.  baavees [baːviːs]

3. thineh [t̪ineʔ]

23.  theyvees [t̪eviːs]

4. hathareh [hat̪areʔ]

24.  sauvees [sauviːs]

5. faheh [faheʔ]

25.  fansavees [fansaviːs]

6. haeh [haeʔ]

26.  sahbees [sabbiːs]

7. hatheh [hat̪eʔ]

27.  hathaavees [hat̪aːviːs]

8. asheh [açeʔ] / [aʆeʔ]

28.  ashaavees [açaːviːs] / [aʆaːviːs]

9. nuvaeh [nuvaeʔ]

29.  onathirees [onat̪iriːs] ( 30 - 1)

10. dhihaeh [d̪ihaeʔ]

30.  thirees [t̪iriːs]

11. egaara [egaːra]

40.  saalhees [saːɭi:s]

12. baara [baːra]

50.  fansaas [fansaːs]

13. theyra [t̪eːra]

60.  fasdholhas [fasd̪oɭas]

14. saadha [saːd̪a]

70.  haiydhiha [hajd̪d̪iha]

15. fanara [fanara]

80.  ahdiha [aɖɖiha]

16. soalha [soːɭa]

90.  nuvadhiha [nuvad̪iha]

17. sathaara [sat̪aːra]

100. satheeka [sat̪eːka]

18. ashaara [açaːra] / [aʆaːra]

200. dhuisahtha [d̪uisat̪t̪a]

19. navaara [navara]

1000. eh haas [eŋ haːs]

20. vihi [vihi]

2000. dhehaas [d̪ehaːs]


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Chritopher Reynolds, (SOAS), UK., March 1999.

Dr. Bruce D. Cain, Cornell University, USA, August 20, 2002.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Chritopher Reynolds, Dr. Bruce D. Cain, 2002 年 8 月 20 日.


Other comments: Maldivian or Dhivehi has a decimal system. The difference between Reynolds and Cain's transcription is that Reynolds used <ç >while Cain used <ʆ>(a retroflex fricative) for transcribing ̈sh’ as in numerals 8, 18 and 28. Maldivian is spoken by approximately 540,000 speakers in Maldives as well as India.


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