Language name and locationː Kwanga, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue ]

言名称和分布地区克万加语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克省及桑道恩省交界地区


1. funda

2. fisi

3. namili

4. opuriʔopuri

5. tapaʔaŋi

6. tapaʔaŋi funda (5+1)

7. tapaʔaŋi fisi (5+2)

8. tapaʔaŋi namili (5+3)

9. tapaʔaŋi opuriʔopuri (5+4)

10. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi (5+5)

11. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi funda 

12. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi fisi 

13. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi namili 

14. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi opuriʔopuri

15. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi sekaʔaŋi  ( litː ''sekaʔaŋi'' means ''a leg'')

16. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi sekaʔaŋi funda

17. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi sekaʔaŋi fisi

18. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi sekaʔaŋi namili

19. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi sekaʔaŋi opuriʔopuri

20. tapaʔaŋi tapaʔaŋi sekaʔaŋi sekaʔaŋi (this equals one man=''himambwa'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Takashi Manabe, Wycliffe International, Japan.

July 15, 2011.

提供资的语言家: Mr. Takashi Manabe, 2011 年 7 月 15 日.


Other comments: Kwanga is spoken by approximately 10,000 speakers in Maprik district, East Sepik province and Sandaun province, Papua New Guinea. Kwanga counting system has three basic numeralsː 1, 2, 3 and 4 has a 'a+a' construction, however it does not contain the numeral 2 'fisi'. The number word for 5 contains a 'hand' morpheme 'tapa' which suggests that the system is a digit-tally one The constructions of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are respectively: '5+1', '5+2', '5+3', '5+4', '5+5'. Both 15 to 20 containing a 'leg' morpheme 'sekaʔaŋi'. one man is 'himambwa'. Theoretically, in Kwanga language, you can count up to 400 (20 x 20), where there are 20 men with 40 hands and 40 legs). Beyond the number 400, they say, 'there are so many.' or they may use the western counting system.

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