Language name and location: Kundal Shahi, Pakistan [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名和分布地昆达尔-沙希语, 巴基斯坦北部阿扎德克什米尔省 (Azad Kashmir)


1. jɔk

21.  iki * < loanword from Hinko language

2. duiː

22.  baj  *

3. trɑː

23.  t̪rabi *

4. t͡ʃoːr

24.  t͡ʃobi *

5. pɑɑ̃ːd͡ʒ

25.  pand͡ʒi *

6. ʃɑ

26.  t͡ʃʰobi *

7. sɑt̪

27.  sat̪aj *

8. aɑ̃ʃʈ

28.  at̪ʰaj *

9. nɔ̃ː

29.  onat̪is *

10. dɑj

30.  t͡ʃiːʃ

11. jɑɡɑj

40.  t͡ʃɔpɛːr

12. bɑj

50.  pand͡ʒɑ *

13. t̪raj

60.  sɑt̪ʰ *

14. t͡ʃɔd̪aj̃

70.  sat̪ar *

15. pɑ̃d͡ʒi

80.  asi *

16. ʃɛɽɪʃ

90.  nabej *

17. sɑt̪ɑj

100. ʃɑd̪

18. ɑʃʈɑj

200. d̪ui ʃɑd̪

19. jɔkɔj̃

1000. hazaːr *

20. biː

2000. d̪o hazaːr *


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Khawaja Rehman, Forum for Language Initiatives, Peshawar, Pakistan, January 9, 2007.

提供资的语言: Mr. Khawaja Rehman, 2007 年 1 月 9 日.


Other comments: Kundal Shahi has a decimal system. Kundal Shahi is a previously undescribed Indo-Aryan language, the language is spoken by the Qureshi ethnic group, discovered in 2002, spoken in a village in Pakistani-administered Kashmir. The Kundal Shahi language must have descended from an archaic form of Shina, while showing more recent influences from Kashmiri and Hindko in particular. It is not mutually intelligible with any of these languages. Like many other languages in the northwestern corner of the South-Asian subcontinent, Kundal Shahi has contrastive tone. With less than 500 active speakers, most of whom are over 40 years of age, the language is definitely endangered. On the above table, the numerals with an asterisk are loanwords from the Hinko language.  


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