Language name and location: Krobu, Agboville, Côte d'Ivoire [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区克罗布语, 科特迪瓦共和国南部泻湖区阿博维尔镇


1. kɔ̰́

21. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ kɔ̰́

2. ɲ́ɲɔ̰́

22. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ ɲ́ɲɔ̰́

3. ńsá̰

23. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ ńsá̰

4. ńná̰

24. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ ńná̰

5. ńnṵ̄

25. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ ńnṵ̄

6. ńsjɛ̰́~ ɲ́ʃɛ̰́

26. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ ɲ́ʃɛ̰́

7. ńsô

27. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ ńsô

8. mɔ̀kwɛ́

28. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ mɔ̀kwɛ́

9. ŋ̀ɡwra̰᷅

29. àbrwǎ̰ nà̰ ŋ̀ɡwra̰᷅

10. brú 

30. àbrwǎ̰ ńsá̰

11. brú nà̰ kɔ̰́

40. àbrwǎ̰ ńná̰

12. brú nà̰ ɲ́ɲɔ̰́ 

50. àbrwǎ̰ ńnṵ̄

13. brú nà̰ ńsá̰

60. àbrwǎ̰ ɲ́ʃɛ̰́

14. brú nà̰ ńná̰

70. àbrwǎ̰ ńsô

15. brú nà̰ ńnṵ̄

80. àbrwǎ̰ mɔ̀kwɛ́

16. brú nà̰ ɲ́ʃɛ̰́ 

90. àbrwǎ̰ ŋ̀ɡwra̰᷅

17. brú nà̰ ńsô 

100. jā,  200. jā ɲ́ɲɔ̰́

18. brú nà̰ mɔ̄kwɛ

400. jā ńna̰, 800. jā mɔ̄kwɛ́

19. brú nà̰ ŋ̀ɡòrā

1000. bàɡè kɔ̰́ 

20. àbrwà̰ḭ́ 

2000. bàɡè ɲ́ɲɔ̰́ 


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Adekpate Alain, Associate Professor of Department of Language Sciences, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Félix Houphouët-BOIGNY_Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, December 21, 2020.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Adekpate Alain, 2020 年 12 月 21 日. 


Other comments: Krobu (Krobou) has a decimal system of counting. Ten numerals between from 11 to 19, 21 to 29, 31 to 30 etc. just combine numbers 1 to 9 with ten numbers using the coordinate marker nà̰ ‘and’ or ‘with’ whose full form is ánà̰.

Krobu is spoken by approximately 9,900 speakers in 4 villages, Agboville subprefecture, Lagunes district, Côte d'Ivoire.

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