Language name and locationː Koasati, Louisiana state, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区夸萨蒂语, 美国中南部墨西哥湾沿岸路易斯安那州阿拉巴马州-夸萨蒂部落镇阿拉巴马州-夸萨蒂人保留地


1. caffáːkan

21.  pol tóklon awáh caffáːkan

2. tóklon

22.  pol tóklon awáh tóklon

3. toccíːnan

23.  pol tóklon awáh toccíːnan

4. ostáːkan

24.  pol tóklon awáh ostáːkan

5. cahappáːkan

25.  pol tóklon awáh cahappáːkan

6. hannáːlin / ahannáːlin *

26.  pol tóklon awáh hannáːlin

7. ontóklon

27.  pol tóklon awáh ontóklon

8. ontoccíːnan

28.  pol tóklon awáh ontoccíːnan

9. cakkáːlin / bihcakkáːlin *

29.  pol tóklon awáh cakkáːlin

10. pokkóːlin

30.  pol toccíːnan

11. pokkóːl awáh caffáːkan

40.  pol ostáːkan

12. pokkóːl awáh tóklon

50.  pol cahappáːkan

13. pokkóːl awáh toccíːnan

60.  pol hannáːlin

14. pokkóːl awáh ostáːkan

70.  pol ontóklon

15. pokkóːl awáh cahappáːkan

80.  pol ontoccíːnan

16. pokkóːl awáh hannáːlin

90.  pol cakkáːlin

17. pokkóːl awáh ontóklon

100. cokpí caffáːkan

18. pokkóːl awáh ontoccíːnan

200.  cokpí tóklon

19. pokkóːl awáh cakkáːlin

1000. cokpacóːba caffáːkan

20. pol tóklon

2000. cokpacóːba tóklon


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. David P. Rising, Summer Institute of Linguistics, USA, September 9, 1989.   
供资料的语言学家: Mr. David P. Rising, 1989 年 9 月 9 日.


Other comments: Koasati or Coushatta is spoken by approximately 370 speakers in 
Louisiana: Koasati Reservation near Elton; Texas: Alabama-Koasati Reservation near Livingston.
Koasati has a regular decimal system. However, because of extreme pressure from English, the youngest speakers cannot manipulate the system to any great degree, and borrow English words into their Koasati when using numerals. One of the salient features of numerals is that they are verbs, with the exception of the terms cokpí 'hundred' and cokpacóːba 'thousand', which are nouns. There are archaic forms for 6 and 9 (marked with an asterisk).

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