Language name and location: Khowar, Pakistan, Afghanistan [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 科瓦尔语, 巴基斯坦北部白沙瓦地区, 阿富汗及印度


1. i

21.  biʃir i

2. d͡ʒʊ

22.  biʃir d͡ʒʊ

3. t̪rɔj

23.  biʃir t̪rɔj

4. t͡ʃɔr

24.  biʃir t͡ʃɔr

5. pɔnd͡ʒ

25.  biʃir pɔnd͡ʒ

6. t͡sɔj

26.  biʃir t͡sɔj

7. sɔt̪

27.  biʃir sɔt̪

8. ɔʃt̪

28.  biʃir ɔʃt̪

9. nijɔf

29.  biʃir nijɔf

10. d͡ʒɔʃ

30.  biʃir d͡ʒɔʃ (20+10)

11. d͡ʒɔʃ i

40.  d͡ʒʊ biʃir d͡ʒɔʃ (2 x 20)

12. d͡ʒɔʃ d͡ʒʊ

50.  d͡ʒʊ biʃir (2 x 20)+10]

13. d͡ʒɔʃ t̪rɔj

60.  t̪rɔj biʃir d͡ʒɔʃ (3 x 20)

14. d͡ʒɔʃ t͡ʃɔr

70.  t̪rɔj biʃir d͡ʒɔʃ [(3 x 20)+10]

15. d͡ʒɔʃ pɔnd͡ʒ

80.  t͡ʃɔr biʃir (4 x 20)

16. d͡ʒɔʃ t͡sɔj

90.  t͡ʃɔr biʃir d͡ʒɔʃ [(4 x 20)+10]

17. d͡ʒɔʃ sɔt̪

100. pɔnd͡ʒ biʃir (5 x 20),  ʃɔr

18. d͡ʒɔʃ ɔʃt̪

200. d͡ʒʊ ʃɔr

19. d͡ʒɔʃ nijɔf

1000. hazar

20. biʃir

2000. d͡ʒʊ hazar


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Elena Bashir, University of Michigan, USA, December 12, 1999. Mr. Wayne Lunsford, SIL-International, February 13, 2007.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Elena Bashir, 1999 年 12 月 12 日. Mr. Wayne Lunsford, 2007 年 2 月 13 日.


Other comments: Khowar has a traditional vigesimal numeral system, The numbers hundred 'ʃɔr' and thousand 'hazar' are loanwords from nearby dominant language. Khowar is spoken by approximately 580,000 speakers in Gilgit district, Ghizr valley, Shandur pass to Gupis, Gilgit Baltistan province, and Chitral and Peshawar districts; Ishkhoman and Yasin valleys, north Swat valley, Khyber Pakhtunkwa province, Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan and India.


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