Language name and locationː Turkic Khalaj, Qom province, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区卡拉伊突厥语, 伊朗西北部库姆省


1. biː

21.  jiɣiɾmi biː

2. ækki

22.  jiɣiɾmi ækki

3. yʃ

23.  jiɣiɾmi yʃ

4. tœːɾt

24.  jiɣiɾmi tœːɾt

5. beːʃ

25.  jiɣiɾmi beːʃ

6. alta

26.  jiɣiɾmi alta

7. jeːtti

27.  jiɣiɾmi jeːtti

8. sækkiz

28.  jiɣiɾmi sækkiz

9. toqquz

29.  jiɣiɾmi toqquz

10. oːn

30.  hottuz

11. oːn biː

40.  qɨɾk

12. oːn ækki

50.  ælli

13. oːn yʃ

60.  ælli oːn (50+ 10) * / ʃæst

14. oːn tœːɾt

70.  ælli jiɣiɾmi (50+ 20) / haftoːd

15. oːn beːʃ

80.  ælli hottuz (50+ 30) / haʃtoːd

16. oːn alta

90.  ælli qɨɾk (50+ 40) / nævæd

17. oːn jeːtti

100. jyːz / sæd < Persian

18. oːn sækkiz

200. ækki jyːz

19. oːn toqquz

1000. miŋk

20. jiɣiɾmi

2000. ækki miŋk


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Gerhard Doerfer, University of Göttingen, Germany, August 30, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Gerhard Doerfer, 1999 年 8 月 30 日.


Other comments: Khalaj or Turkic Khalaj has a peculiar traditional system uses a base of 50, which is similar to that of the Salar language spoken in Gansu province, northwest of China. Nowadays, Turkic Khalaj often borrow Persian numbers for 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. Khalaj is a Turkic language spoken in Iran today. Although it contains many old Turkic elements, it has become widely Persianized. In 1978, it was spoken by 20,000 people in 50 villages southwest of Tehran, but the number has since dropped to about 19,000.It has about 150 words of uncertain origin. Khalaj language is a descendant of an old Turkic language called Arghu. The 11th century Turkic lexicographer Mahmud al-Kashgari was the first person to give written examples of the Khalaj language, which are mostly compatible with modern Khalaj. Gerhard Doerfer, who rediscovered Khalaj, has demonstrated that the language was the first to branch off from Common Turkic proper.


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