Language name and location: Kemedzung, NW region, Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 克梅宗语, 喀麦隆西北区东加-芒同州


1. mò (miu)  / kɨ̀tɨ́ kɨ́mó (Gender 7/8)

21.  mbá fié ntsè mò /bɨ̀tɨ́ mbá fie ntsè kɨ̀mò

2. fé      / bɨ̀tɨ́ bífé

22.  mbá fié ntsè fé /bɨ̀tɨ́ mbá fie ntsè bífé

3. té      / bɨ̀tɨ́ bíté


4. nà     / bɨ̀tɨ́ bínɑ̀


5. tɨ̀ŋ    / bɨ̀tɨ́ bítɨ̀ŋ


6. búsí  / bɨ̀tɨ́ búsí


7. fùmbá / bɨ̀tɨ́ fùmbɑ́


8. yàŋ  / bɨ̀tɨ́ yàŋ


9. fùmbóò /  bɨ̀tɨ́ fùmbóò


10. yɔ́(yɔfu)  / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́(yɔfu)


11. yɔ́ ntsè miù / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè kɨ̀mò


12. yɔ́ ntsè fé   / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè bífé


13. yɔ́ ntsè té  / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè bífé

60.  ɡ͡bɨ́ búsí   / bɨ̀tɨ ɡ͡bɨ́ búsí

14. yɔ́ ntsè ná / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè bínɑ̀


15. yɔ́ ntsè tɨ́ŋ  / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè bítɨ́ŋ


16. yɔ́ ntsè búsí / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè bísí


17. yɔ́ ntsè fùmbá / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè fùmbá

100. ɡ͡bɨ́  / ɡ͡bɨ́ ɡ͡bɨ

18. yɔ́ ntsè yàŋ / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè yàŋ

200. ɡí fé / bɨ̀tɨ ɡɨ́ fé

19. yɔ́ ntsè fùmbóò / bɨ̀tɨ́ yɔ́ ntsè bí

1000. ntsùkù / bɨ̀tɨ́ ntsùkù  

20. mbá fié / bɨ̀tɨ́ mbá fié

2000. bə̀ntsùkù bə́fé / bɨ̀tɨ́ ntsùkù  bə́fé


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Christopher Smoes through Dr. Robert Hedinger,  SIL, Cameroon, February 28, 2013.  

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Christopher Smoes, 2013 年 2 月 28 日.


Other comments: Kemedzung (Kemezung) or Dumbo (Dzumbo) is spoken by approximately 3,500 speakers in North West region: Donga-Mantung division, Misaje subdivision, northwest of Nkambe, Dumbu area, Kwei village, Cameroon.

Kemedzung (Kemezung) has a decimal system similar to that of Ncane, but the constructions for 60, 70, 80 and 90 are different.

Note that the second set in these examples are with the noun 'tree'. So, kɨtɨ kɨmo is 'one tree' (Rich & Katrina Boutwell, June 5, 2014)

Language name and location: Kemedzung, NW region, Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 克梅宗语, 喀麦隆西北区东加-芒同州


1. mmȍ

21.  mbaːfiɛ ntse kəmoː

2. bifɛ́

22.  mbaːfiɛ ntse bifɛ

3. bitɛ


4. binà


5. bitɨ̃̀


6. buse


7. fũ̀mbà


8. jã̏


9. fũ̀mbɔ̀


10. jɔ̀ː

30.  mbaːtiɛ

11. jɔː ntse kəmoː

40.  mbaːnià

12. jɔː ntse bifɛ́

50.  mbaːʃɨ̀

13. jɔː ntse bitɛ

60.  ɡ͡bɨ́-buse

14. jɔː ntse binà

70.  ɡ͡bɨ́-fumbà

15. jɔː ntse bitə̃

80.  ɡ͡bɨ́-jã̏

16. jɔː ntse buse

90.  ɡ͡bɨ́-fumbɔ̀ː

17. jɔː ntse fumba

100. ɡ͡bɨ̀

18. jɔː ntse jã

200. ɡifɛ

19. jɔː ntse fumbɔː

1000. ntsùkȕ

20. mbaːfiɛ́



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Bruce Cox through Mr. Rich Boutwell, SIL, Cameroon. August 10, 2007

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Bruce Cox, 2007 年 8 月 10 日.


Other comments: Kemedzung (Kemezung) or Dumbo (Dzumbo) has a decimal system similar to that of Ncane, but the forms 60, 70, 80 and 90 are different.


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