Language name and location: Kati, Nuristan, Kunar, Afghanistan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 卡蒂语, 阿富汗东北部努里斯坦省及巴基斯坦境内


1. ɛw [ɛw]

21.  wəcá ɛw [wəˈt͡sɒ ɛw]

2. dˈu [dʲu]

22.  wəcá dˈu

3. trɛ [trɛ]

23.  wəcá trɛ

4. štwa [ʃtwɒ]

24.  wəcá štwa

5. puč [put͡ʃ]

25.  wəcá puč

6. ṣ̌u [ʂu]

26.  wəcá ṣ̌u

7. sut [sut]

27.  wəcá sut

8. uṣṭ [uʂʈ]

28.  wəcá uṣṭ

9. nu [nu]

29.  wəcá nu

10. duc [dut͡s]

30.  wəcá duc (20+10)

11. yæníc [jæˈnit͡s]

40.  dˈú wəcə (2 x 20)

12. dic [dit͡s]

50.  dˈú wəcá dùc [ˈdʲu wət͡sɒ ˌdut͡s]

13. tric [trit͡s]

60.  trɛ́ wəcə  (3 x 20)

14. štruc [ʃtrudit͡s] /štuṛic [ʃtuɽit͡s]

70.  trɛ́ wəcə dùc [(3 x 20)+10]

15. pcic [pt͡sit͡s] /pčic [pt͡ʃit͡s]

80.  štwá wəcə (4 x 20)

16. ṣ̌ɛc [ʂɛt͡s]

90.  štwá wəcə dùc [ (4 x 20)+10]

17. stic[stit͡s]

100. púč wəcə (5 x 20)

18. ṣ̌ṭis [ʂʈit͡s]

200. dúc wəcə  (10 x 20)

19. nɛc [nɛt͡s]

1000. æzár [æˈzɒr] 

20. wəcə́ [wəˈt͡sə]

2000. dˈú æzar


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Jan Mohammad, Department of Linguistics, University of Arizona, USA, September 11, 2002.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Jan Mohammad, 2002 年 9 月 11 日.


Other comments: Kati numeral system is vigesimal, the thousand is a Persian loanword. The above data was from western dialect of Kati. Kati or Bashgali or Kata viri is spoken 

135,000 speakers in Badakhshan, Kunar, and Nuristan provinces, Afghanistan as well as northern Pakistan.


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