Language name and location: Karkar-Yuri, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区卡尔卡尔-尤里语, 巴布亚新几内亚桑道恩省阿马纳布地区


1. anggarang(k) (SIL Word List (1974 / 75), angkarang ( left litte finger)

2. anangk (SIL Word List (1974 / 75), anang (ring finger)

3. yinanggobwe (SIL Word List (1974 / 75), yining (middle finger)

4. iyvor (SIL Word List (1974 / 75), iyor (index finger)

5. andik(SIL Word List (1974 / 75), andi (thumb)

6. togoam (wrist)

7. fok-kini (lower arm)

8. yukup (elbow)

9. sara-ak (upper arm)

10. fare sambram (SIL Word List (1974 / 75), fare (shoulder)

11. mum (left breast)

12. indir (sternum)

13. anger mum ( right breast)

14. anger fare (right shoulder)


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Glen A. Lean, Department of Communications, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.
Sourceː Glendon A. Lean. Counting systems of Papua New Guinea, volume 13, West Sepik (Sandaun) Province. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, 1991.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Glen A. Lean, 1991 年.


Other comments: Karkar-Yuri is spoken by about 1,300 speakers in a region adjacent to the border of West Iran (Papua, Indonesia) immediately to the south of the Dera (Dla) and Anggor regions. Don Laycock (1973, p.52) lists seven Yuri speaking villages with total population 668 and notes that the Yuri is a tonal language, possesses a 23-cycle body part tally system but gives no further details. The number words obtained for this system derive from an SIL word list, dated 1974/75, which was compiled at Auya 2 village and one CSQ completed by an informant from Kambriap village. The number words (SIL word List) are transcribed from phonetic to Roman orthography. The first five number words are used when tallying on the fingers. The number word for 5, ''andik'', is not identical to the word for 'hand', 'ye(i)', which is as we would expect for a body-part system. The data given by CSQ provides the details of the body-part tally system and confirms Laycock's comment that it possesses a 23-cycle. The system employs only body-parts on the upper part of the body. Beginning with the little finger of the left hand, tally proceeds in order along the fingers to the thumb and then to the wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder and left breast. The midpoint of the tally is the sternum at a tally of 12. Tally then proceeds using the symmetrical counterparts of the first eleven tally-points starting with the right breast and ending, at a tally of 23, with the right little finger. New data needed to compare with the old one.

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