Language name and locationː Karitiâna, Rondônia state, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区:卡里提安纳语, 巴西西北部朗多尼亚州亚马逊热带雨林


1. mɨ̃hĩt

21.  mɨ̃hĩt ɨj ota pɨ ʔoːt

2. sɨpõm


3. mɨ̃jɨ̃p 


4. otadnãmɨ̃n


5. ɨjpɨt

25.  mɨ̃hĩt ɨj ota pɨ ʔoːt

6. mɨ̃hĩt ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt

26.  mɨ̃hĩt ɨj ota pɨ ota ʔoːt

7. sɨpõm ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt 

27.  sɨpõm ɨj ota pɨ ota ʔoːt

8. mɨ̃jɨ̃p ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt 


9. otadnãmɨ̃n ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt   


10. sɨpõm ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt   

30.  mɨ̃jɨ̃p ɨjpi pɨk

11. mɨ̃hĩt ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ʔoːt

40.  otannɨ̃mɨ̃n ɨjpi pɨk

12. sɨpõm ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ʔoːt

50.  ɨjpit ɨjpi pɨk

13. mɨ̃jɨ̃p ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ʔoːt

60.  mɨ̃hĩt ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt ɨjpi pɨk

14. otadnãmɨ̃n ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ʔoːt

70.  sɨpõm ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt ɨjpi pɨk

15. ɨjpɨt ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ʔoːt

80.  mɨ̃jɨ̃p ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt ɨjpi pɨk

16. mɨ̃hĩn ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ota ʔoːt

90.  otadnãmɨ̃n ɨjpɨ ota ʔoːt  ɨjpi pɨk

17. sɨpõm ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ota ʔoːt

100. ɨjpɨtɨjkipipɨp

18. mɨ̃jɨ̃p ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ota ʔoːt


19. otadnãmɨ̃n ɨjpɨopɨ̃ ota ʔoːt


20. sɨpõm ɨjpɨ pɨk



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Caleb Everett, Department of Anthropology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, August 18, 2010.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Caleb Everett, 2010 年 8 月 18 日.


Other comments: Karitiâna, or Caritiana, Yjxa is spoken by approximately 210-300 speakers in Rondônia state: Candeias river, a tributary of upper Madeira river. Speakers of Karitiân typically employ Portuguese numbers, especially in the case of larger numbers. In David Landin’s (1983) brief lexicon of the language, there is a word for 100. I have included it in the attached form, though I have not been able to corroborate it with speakers today. Landin’s research was carried out in the 1970’s. Various other number words have apparently also fallen out of common usage since that time. I have been told that some older speakers in the reservation can provide Karitiân numbers for 21-29, but I have been unable to verify this. The numbers for 21 and 24-27 on the attached form are based on Landin’s lexicon. The numbers given for 1-9 are commonly used and known. The numbers for 10-20 are also commonly known, though I have been given some discrepant responses for a few of these numbers. The ones I provide have been given on multiple occasions. They differ somewhat from those in Landin’s lexicon (he provides 10-12, 15-18, and 20 only). The numbers for 30-90 have not previously been documented in the literature on Karitiân, and were corroborated with 3 adults. As far as the general patterns in the number system, here are some observations: Karitiân is a quinary-based system. The word for ‘hand’ is p?. ?j is a 1st person plural prefix. So many of the numbers clearly include the morphemes corresponding to “our hand”. pi means foot, while piopɨ̃ refers to ‘toe’ and pɨopɨ̃ to ‘finger.’ ota and /oːt are the words for ‘another/other’ and ‘meanwhile,’ respectively. The latter term also means ‘to take.’ Finally, the word for 2 is remarkably similar to the word for eye, which is sɨːpo

Language name and locationː Karitiâna, Rondônia, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区:卡里提安纳语, 巴西西北部朗多尼亚州亚马逊热带雨林


1. mɨ̃hĩn

21.  mɨ̃hĩn ɨj ota pɨ ʔōt

2. sɨpõm


3. mɨ̃ɲɨ̃m


4. otannɨ̃mɨ̃n


5. ɨj pɨt

25.  mɨ̃hĩn ɨj ota pɨpɨt

6. mɨ̃hĩn ɨj pɨ ota ʔōt

26.  mɨ̃hĩn ɨj ota pɨta ʔōt

7. sɨpõm ɨj pɨ ota ʔōt

27.  sɨpõm ɨj ota pɨta ʔōt

8. mɨ̃ɲɨ̃m ɨj pɨ ota ʔōt


9. otannɨ̃mɨ̃n ɨj pɨ ota ʔōt


10. ɨj pɨt ota tɨta

30.  sɨpõm ɨj ki pɨpɨk

11. mɨ̃hĩn ɨj pi ʔōt

40.  mɨ̃hĩn  ɨj otapi ʔōt

12. sɨpõm ɨj pi ʔōt






15. mɨ̃hĩn ɨj pipɨt


16. mɨ̃hĩn ɨj pi ota ʔōt


17. sɨpõm ɨj pi ota ʔōt






20. mɨ̃hĩn pipɨk



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Wolf Dietrich, University of Muenster, Germany, November 11, 2008.

提供资的语言家: Prof. Wolf Dietrich, 2008 年 11 月 11 日.


Other comments: Karitiâna, or Caritiana, Yjxa is spoken by approximately 210-300 speakers in Rondônia state: Candeias river, a tributary of upper Madeira river. Karitiâna has a counting system using hands and feet up to 40.

Language name and locationː Karitiâna, Rondônia, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区:卡里提安纳语, 巴西西北部朗多尼亚州亚马逊热带雨林 


1. mỹhĩn  

2. sypõm

3. mỹnhỹm 

4. otan nỹmỹn 
5. yj pyt  ( litː ''our hand'' )
6. mỹhĩn yj py ota oot ( litː ''one and our hand'' )

7. sypõm yj py ota oot

8. mỹnhỹm yj py ota oot

9. otan nỹmỹn yj py ota oot

10. yj pyopa tyta ( litː ''over our hands'')

11. mỹhĩn yi pi oot ( litː ''one and over our feet'')   

12. sypõm yi pi oot

13. mỹnhỹm yi pi oot

14. otan nỹmỹn yi pi oot

15. mỹhĩn yi pi pyt  ( litː ''one and over our feet plus hand '')   

16. mỹhĩn yi pi ota oot     

17. sypõm yi pi ota oot 

18. mỹnhỹm yi pi ota oot

19. otan nỹmỹn yi pi ota oot

20. yi mỹhĩn pipyk ( litː ''over one hand plus feet'')   


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. & Mrs. David & Rachel Landin, Wycliffe Bible Translators, UK. June 19, 1995.

提供资的语言: Mr. & Mrs. David & Rachel Landin, 1995 年 6 月 19 日.


Other comments: Karitiâna, or Caritiana, Yjxa is spoken by approximately 210-300 speakers in Rondônia state: Candeias river, a tributary of upper Madeira river. Karitiâna has a counting system using hands and feet up to 20.

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