Language name and location: Karang, North region, Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区:卡壤语, 喀麦隆北部省马约雷州


1. mbéw

21.  bōn séɗè fàlú mbéw

2. séɗè

22.  bōn séɗè fàlú séɗè

3. sāy

23.  bōn séɗè fàlú sāy

4. nìŋ

24.  bōn séɗè fàlú nìŋ

5. ndīɓī

25.  bōn séɗè fàlú ndīɓī

6. tɔ́tɔ́klɔ́

26.  bōn séɗè fàlú tɔ́tɔ́klɔ́

7. tòŋ ndɔ́k sāy  [remains (in) hands 3]

27.  bōn séɗè fàlú tòŋ ndɔ́k sāy

8. tòŋ ndɔ́k séɗè [remains (in) hands 2]

28.  bōn séɗè fàlú tòŋ ndɔ́k séɗè

9. tòŋ ndɔ́k mbéw[remains (in hands 1]

29.  bōn séɗè fàlú tòŋ ndɔ́k mbéw

10. bǒh

30.  bōn sāy

11. bǒh fàlú mbéw (fàl=after, ú=that)

40.  bōn nìŋ

12. bǒh fàlú séɗè

50.  bōn ndīɓī

13. bǒh fàlú sāy

60.  bōn tɔ́tɔ́klɔ́

14. bǒh fàlú nìŋ

70.  bōn tòŋ ndɔ́k sāy

15. bǒh fàlú ndīɓī

80.  bōn tòŋ ndɔ́k séɗè

16. bǒh fàlú tɔ́tɔ́klɔ́

90.  bōn tòŋ ndɔ́k mbéw

17. bǒh fàlú tòŋ ndɔ́k sāy

100. sɔ́ɗ

18. bǒh fàlú tòŋ ndɔ́k séɗè

200. sɔ́ɗ séɗè

19. bǒh fàlú tòŋ ndɔ́k mbéw 

1000. sak mbéw / sɔ́ɗ ɓɔh ɡel mbéw

20. bōn séɗè

2000. sak séɗè / sɔ́ɗ ɓɔh ɡel séɗè


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Bob Ulfers, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Cameroon. January 14, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Bob Ulfers, 1999 年 1 月 14 日.


Other comments: Karang has a decimal system with special structure for numbers 7 to 9. The word for 'thousand' sak, is used only for counting money, originally borrowed from French 'sac' as the French carry bags 'sac' of 1000, one franc coins into the area when money was first introduced. Karang or Mbum-East is spoken by approximately 18,000 speakers in North region: Mayo-Rey division, Madingring district (homeland), south border of Bouba Ndjida National Park, south from Madingring, southeast to Lawzigoy, 25 villages. Displaced: Garoua, Ngaoundéré, Ngong, Tcholliré, and Touboro (and surrounding villages), Cameroon.


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