Language name and location: Jowulu, Mali, Burkina Faso [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. tẽẽna |
21. kɔ̃n vatẽ |
2. fuuli |
22. kɔ̃n vafuuli |
3. bʒei |
23. kɔ̃n vabʒei |
4. pʃɪrɛᶦ |
24. kɔ̃n vapʃɪrɛᶦ |
5. tãã |
25. kɔ̃n vatãã |
6. tãmãnɪ (5+1) |
26. kɔ̃n vatãmãn |
7. dʒɔ̃mpʊn (3+4) |
27. kɔ̃n vadʒɔ̃mpʊn |
8. fulpʊn (2 x 4) |
28. kɔ̃n vafʊlpʊn |
9. tẽmpʊn (5+4) |
29. kɔ̃n vatẽmpʊn |
10. bʒĩĩ |
30. kɔ̃n vabʒĩĩ |
11. bvʊntɛ̃ɛ̃ |
40. yaa fuli (litː 'rope 2') |
12. bvʊnuvuulɪ |
50. yaa fuli fabʒĩĩ (rope 2 and 10) |
13. bvʊnumbʸeᶦ |
60. yaa bʸei (litː 'rope 3') |
14. bvʊnbʒɪrɛᶦ |
70. yaa bʸei vabʒĩĩ (60+10) |
15. bvʊntãã |
80. yaa pʃɪrɛᶦ (litː 'rope 4') |
16. bvʊntãmãn |
90. yaa pʃɪrɛᶦ vabʒĩĩ (80+10) |
17. bvʊnɪɲɔ̃pʊn |
100. yaa tãã (litː ' rope 5' ) |
18. bvʊnfulpʊn |
200. yaa bʒĩĩ (litː 'rope 10') |
19. bvʊntẽmpʊn |
1000. kɔliful fayaa bʒĩĩ (800+200)* |
20. kɔ̃ne |
2000. kɔlitãã (litː ' attachment 5) |
Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Lee Hochstetler,
Summer Institute of
Linguistics, Mali,
May 27, 提供资料的语言学家: Mr. Lee Hochstetler, 1995 年 5 月 27 日, 2007 年 4 月 20 日. |
Other comments: Jowulu or Jo has a vigesimal system with peculiar constructions for 6 to 9. The word 'yaa' means 'rope'. There is a word 'kɔli', which means 'attachment' (of Cauris shells) and originally means '400', so 1000 is expressed by 'attachment 2 and rope 10' (800+200). Jowulu or Jo, Samogho is spoken in Sikasso region: Kadiolo circle, Loulouni commune, 12 villages the southernmost Mali in Burkina Faso border, as well as Burkina Faso. |
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