Language name and locationː Ixcatec, Oaxaca state, Mexico [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区伊斯卡特克语, 墨西哥瓦哈卡州诺奇斯特兰分区圣玛利亚伊斯特兰


1. hnɡu²

21.  ʃkã¹ hnɡu²

2. yu¹hu¹

22.  ʃkã¹ yu¹hu¹

3. nĩ¹hẽ²   

23.  ʃkã¹ nĩ¹hẽ²   

4. njũ¹hũ¹  24.  ʃkã¹ njũ¹hũ¹ 

5. ʃʔõ¹

25.  ʃkã¹ ʃʔõ¹

6. ʃhõ³

26.  ʃkã¹ ʃhõ³

7. ya¹tu² 

27.  ʃkã¹ ya¹tu² 

8. hni² 

28.  ʃkã¹ hni² 

9. n¹ñje³  

29.  ʃkã¹ n¹ñje³  

10. ʔu²te³

30.  ʃkã¹ ʔu²te³ ( 20+10)

11. ʔu²te³ hnɡu²

40.  cuarenta (< Spanish )

12. ʔu²te³ yu¹hu¹

50.  cincuenta (< Spanish )

13. ʔu²te³ nĩ¹hẽ²    

60.  sesenta (< Spanish )

14. ʔu²te³ njũ¹hũ¹ 

70.  setenta (< Spanish )

15. tʃi¹ʔũ³  

80.   ochenta (< Spanish )

16. tʃi¹ʔũ³ hnɡu²   ( 15+1 )

90.   noventa (< Spanish )

17. tʃi¹ʔũ³ yu¹hu¹  ( 15+2 )

100.  hnɡu² sie¹ntu¹

18. tʃi¹ʔũ³ nĩ¹hẽ²   ( 15+3 )

200.  yu¹hu¹ sie¹ntu¹

19. tʃi¹ʔũ³ njũ¹hũ¹ ( 15+4 )

1000. hnɡu² mi¹l 

20. ʃkã¹

2000. yu¹hu¹ mi¹l


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Evangelia Adamou, Lacito-CNRS, Paris, France.

November 20, 2010.

供资料的语言学家:: Dr. Evangelia Adamou, 2010 年 11 月 20 日.


Other comments: Ixcatec (Xwja) or Ixcateco is a nearly extinct language spoken only by 9 elderly speakers in Oaxaca state: Nochixtlan, Santa María Ixcatlán, Central Mexico.

Ixcatec has a vigesimal numeral system with special structure for 16 to 19. Nowadays, the tens 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 have been replaced by Spanish, hundreds and thousand are loanwords from Spanish. Fernández de Miranda (1961) has recorded the number 50 as ya¹a¹ʃkã¹ ʔu²te³.  Please not that the number 'one' is really pronounced as 'h+n+ɡ+u'.

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