Language name and location: Ikoma-Nata-Isenye, Tanzania [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区伊科马-纳塔-伊森耶语, 坦桑尼亚北部马拉区塞伦盖蒂地区  


1. -mwe


2. -βeɾe   


3. -tato


4. -ne


5. -taano


6. -saasaβe


7. mohuŋɡáte


8. -naane  


9. kénda


10. ikomi

30.  miɾóŋɡo etáto

11. i-kómi na -mwe

40.  miɾóŋɡo eene

12. i-kómi na βi-βeɾe 

50.  miɾóŋɡo etaanó


60.  miɾóŋɡo esaasáβe


70.  miɾóŋɡo mohuŋɡáte


80.  miɾóŋɡo enaané


90.  miɾóŋɡo kénda


100. ɾii-ɣana    


200. ama-ɣána aβeɾe     


1000. eɣe-kwé

20. miɾóŋɡo eβeɾe 

2000. eβ-ikẃ βiβeɾe      


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Rasmus Bernander, Department of World Culture, Uuniversity of Helsinki, Finland, May 15, 2020, October 13, 2020.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Rasmus Bernander, 2020 年 5 月 15 日.


Other comments: Ikoma, Nata and Isenye are 3 different ethnic groups. They consider their 3 speech varieties different, but similar enough to use the same written material. Nata seems more endangered with many children speaking more Swahili than Nata. The data is taken from Ishenyi dialect. Ishenye has a decimal system similar to that of Ngoreme.

Language name and location: Ikoma-Nata-Isenye, Tanzania [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区伊科马-纳塔-伊森耶语, 坦桑尼亚北部马拉区塞伦盖蒂地区     


1. imu

21.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na imu

2. iβeɾe   

22.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na iβeɾe 

3. iʃato

23.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na iʃato

4. iɲe

24.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na iɲɛ

5. iʃano

25.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na iʃano

6. iʃasaβe

26.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na iʃasaβe 

7. mohuᵑɡate

27.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na mohuᵑɡate

8. iɲaɲe  

28.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na iɲaɲe

9. keⁿda

29.  muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe na keⁿda 

10. ikomi

30.  muɾoᵑɡo etato

11. ikomi na imu

40.  muɾoᵑɡo ene

12. ikomi na iβeɾe 

50.  muɾoᵑɡo etano

13. ikomi na iʃato

60.  muɾoᵑɡo eʃasaβe

14. ikomi na iɲe

70.  muɾoᵑɡo mohuᵑɡate

15. ikomi na iʃano

80.  muɾoᵑɡo enane

16. ikomi na iʃasaβe 

90.  muɾoᵑɡo keⁿda

17. ikomi na mohuᵑɡate

100. eɾiɣana   g=ɣ

18. ikomi na iɲaɲe

200. amaɣana aβeɾe     

19. ikomi na kɛⁿda 

1000. eɣeku   g=ɣ

20. muɾoᵑɡo eβeɾe 

2000. eβiku βiβeɾe      


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Oliver Rundell, SIL International, Tanzania, July, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Oliver Rundell, 2009 年 7 月.


Other comments: Ikoma-Nata-Isenye or Eghiikoma is spoken by approximately

34,700 (Mradi wa Lugha za Tanzania 2009). 19,400 Ikoma, 7,100 Nata, 8,200 Isenye (Mradi wa Lugha za Tanzania 2009), Mara region: Serengeti district, Gurumeti division, Tanzania. Ikoma has a decimal system similar to that of Ngoreme.

Language name and locationː Nata, Mara Region, Tanzania [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 纳塔语, 坦桑尼亚北部马拉区塞伦盖蒂地区


1. ímwe

21.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na ímwe

2. iβére

22.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na iβére

3. isáto

23.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na isáto

4. íɲɛ

24.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na íɲɛ

5. isáanɔ

25.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na isáanɔ

6. isaasáβe

26.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na isaasáβe

7. mohuuŋɡáte

27.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na mohuuŋɡáte

8. iɲaaɲɛ́   

28.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na iɲaaɲɛ

9. kɛɛndɛ́

29.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére na kɛɛndɛ́

10. ikómi

30.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ etáto [mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡwéétato]

11. ikómi na ímwe [ikómi níímwe]

40.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ ɛ́ɲɛ [mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡwɛːnɛ]

12. ikómi na iβére [ikómi nííβere]

50.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ ɛtáanɔ

13. ikómi na isáto [ikómi níísato]

60.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ esaasáβe

14. ikómi na íɲɛ [ikómi nííɲɛ]

70.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ mohuuŋɡeate

15. ikómi na isáanɔ [ikómi níísaanɔ]

80.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ ɛnaaɲɛ́

16. ikómi na isaasáβe 

90.  mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ kɛandɛ́

17. ikómi na mohuuŋɡáte

100. rííɣana (rímwe)

18. ikómi na iɲaaɲɛ́ [ikómi niiɲaaɲɛ́]

200. máɣana aβére

19. ikómi na kɛɛndɛ́ [ikómi na kɛːndɛ́]

1000. eɣekwé (kímwe)

20. mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ eβére [mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡweeβére]

2000. eβekwé βíβere


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Joash G. Johannes, Department of Linguistics, University of Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada, July 16 , 2013.

提供资的语言学家: Dr. Joash G. Johannes, 2013 年 7 月 16 日.


Other comments: Ki-Nata is classified as Bantu E 45, spoken by approximately 6000 people. The Ki-Nata language is spoken by βa-Nata1, who inhabit parts of two Tanzanian districts, namely Serengeti and Bunda in Mara Region. In Serengeti District, Ki-Nata is spoken in such areas as Isenye, Nata-Motukeri, Nata-Mbiso, Makondose, Nyichoka and Burunga. In Bunda District it is spoken in Mogeta and Kyandege. In the mentioned districts the βa-Nata interact with other speech communities. In Serengeti, they interact with Kuria, Ikoma and Isenye while in Bunda they interact with Kuria, Ikizo and Zanake.

Other higher numeralsː 10,000 eβekwé ikómi, 50,000 eβekwé mirɔ́ɔ́ŋɡɔ ɛtáanɔ,

1,000,000 = eβírara na eβírara (ton of hundred thousand).

According to Greenberg (1963), Ki-Nata belongs to the Bantu family of languages,

which falls under the Benue-Congo group. The latter falls under a major group known as Niger-Congo. Within the Bantu family, Ki-Nata belongs to the subgroup of Eastern

Bantu languages, in which some languages have not been seriously studied while some

are hardly known. Ki-Nata is among the languages that have been scantly studied.

According to Guthrie (1948), Ki-Nata falls under Zone E, Group 40, Index 5. Ki-Nata is

placed along with Ke-Ragoli (E41), Ke-Gusii (42), γi-Kuria (43), Ke-Zanake (E44), γi-

Isenye (E44b), Ci-Ndali (E44c), γi-Siora (E44g) and γi-Sweta (E44e). Others include γi-

Kiroβa (E44f), γi-Ikizo (E44g), Ki-γirango (E44h), γi-Sembete (E44k) and Ki-Sonjo

(E46). In his classification Guthrie treats Ki-Nata and γi-Ikoma as one and the same


Bryan (1959) is another scholar who attempted a classification of the language under

description. In her classification, Bryan followed closely Guthrie’s classification of Ki-

Nata. The only thing she added was that Ki-Nata was spoken around Ikoma2, south of

River Mara; and that, to the east it borders Sonjo, Sukuma to the South, Ikizo to the

West, and Ngoreme to the North.

2 Ikoma, Sonjo, Sukuma, Ikizu and Ngoreme as cited here by Bryan are place names of the respective



Heine (1976: 51), focusing on vernacular languages of Tanzania spoken in Mara Region

gives a classification that places Ki-Nata in the γi-Ikoma subgroup under the Ke-Zanake

group. The subgroup has the following languages: γi-Isenye, Ki-Nata, and γi-Ikoma.

Other sister languages to Ki-Nata like γi-Kuria and Ke-Ngoreme form different groups.

Heine adds, however, that his classification is not based on objective analytic

procedures, but rather on people’s subjective views based on degrees of mutual


Nurse (1977: 71) places Ki-Nata in the Eastern Nyanza subgroup. Within this subgroup

he includes such languages as Ke-Gusii, γi-Kuria, Ke-Zanake, Ki-Nata, Ke-Ngoreme

and Ki-Shashi. This treatment is also maintained in the classification of Nurse and

Philipson (1980).

In the above classifications, we have the following reservations: Bryan (1959) and

Guthrie (1967-71) treat Ki-Nata and γi-Ikoma as one and the same language. We tend to agree with Mekacha (1985) that a convenient Ki-Nata classification should have shown that Ki-Nata and γi-Ikoma are closely related languages but not that they are one and the same. Heine’s classification too should have, in our view, indicated that Ki-Nata is more closely related to Ke-Ngoreme than to Ke-Zanake.


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