Language name and locationː Huave of San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca state, Mexico

[Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区圣马特奥-海滨瓦维语, 墨西哥南部瓦哈卡州圣马特奥镇东南沿海地区


1. nojk

21.  ɲimjow nojk

2. ihkjɑw

22.  ɲimjow ihkjɑw

3. ɑɾeh

23.  ɲimjow ɑɾeh

4. ɑikiy

24.  ɲimjow ɑikiy

5. ɑkokjɑw

25.  ɲimjow ɑkokjɑw

6. ɑnɑiy

26.  ɲimjow ɑnɑiy

7. ɑjɑiy

27.  ɲimjow ɑjɑiy

8. ohpjɑkɨw

28.  ɲimjow ohpjɑkɨw

9. ohkijeh

29.  ɲimjow ohkijeh

10. ɡɑhpowɨw

30.  ɲimjow ɡɑhpowɨw

11. ɡɑh nojk

40.  ik mjow ( 2 x 20 )

12. ɡɑh ihkjɑw

50.  ik mjow ɡɑhpowɨw

13. ɡɑh ɑɾeh

60.  er mjow  ( 3 x 20 )

14. ɡɑh ɑikiy

70.  er mjow ɡɑhpowɨw

15. ɡɑh ɑkokjɑw

80.  pejk mjow  ( 4 x 20 )

16. ɡɑh ɑnɑiy

90.  pejk mjow ɡɑhpowɨw

17. ɡɑh ɑjɑiy

100. kojk mjow ( 5 x 20 )

18. ɡɑh ohpjɑkɨw

200. ihkjɑw ɑkojk mjow / ɡɑh  mjow

19. ɡɑh ohkijeh


20. ɲimjow



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Yuni Kim, Department of Linguistics, Universality of California at Berkeley, USA.  3 January, 2008.

提供资的语言: Dr. Yuni Kim, 2008 年 1 月 3 日.


Other comments: Huave of San Mateo del Mar or Ombeayiüts, Huave del Oeste is spoken by approximately 11,000 speakers in Oaxaca state: San Mateo del Mar; southeast coast, Mexico. Huave of San Mateo del Mar has a vigesimal numeral system. The above data was taken from Stairs and Stairs (1981ː395-399) for different basic numbers 1-3 to count different types of objects. IPA transcriptions by Yuni Kim. Stress fixed on final syllable.

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