Language name and location: Southern Hindko, Pakistan [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 南部辛德科语, 巴基斯坦北部开伯尔-普什图省及旁遮普省


1. ek

21. ɪkki

2. o

22. bai

3. ɾɛ

23. ei

4. ʧaɾ

24. ʧoʋi

5. pəɲʤ

25. pəɲʤi

6. ʧʰe

26. ʧʰəbbi

7. sə

27. səai

8. əʈʰ

28. əʈʰai

9. nõ

29. ʊt̪t̪i

10. əs

30. ɾi

11. jaɾ

40. ʧali

12. baɾ

50. pəɲʤa

13. eɾ

60. səʈʰ

14. ʧo

70. sət̪əɾ

15. pənd̪ɾã

80. əssi

16. solã

90. nəvve

17. səəɾ

100. so

18. ʈʰaɾã (variant form: əʈʰaɾã)

200. o so,  400. ʧaɾ so,  800. əʈʰ so

19. ʊnnĩ

1000. əzaɾ

20. bi

2000. o əzaɾ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Qandeel Hussain, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Department of English, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

January 17, 2019.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Qandeel Hussain, 2019 年 1 月 17 日


Other comments: Southern Hindko has a decimal system. The numeral system and phonological system of Southern Hindko is very close to the Lyallpuri Punjabi.
Reported on 22nd Ethnologue: Alternate Name: Hindko. Autonym: Hindko. User Population: 1,170,000 (2017 census). Location: Khyber Pakhtunkwa province: Kohat and Peshawar districts; Punjab province: Attock district, to south Hazara division; Islamabad. Language Status: Developing. Classification: Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan, Intermediate Divisions, Western, Panjabi, Western Panjabi. Dialects: Peshawar Hindko (Peshawari), Attock Hindko (Attock-Haripur Hindko), Kohat Hindko (Kohati), Rural Peshawar Hindko. The dialect in Dera Ismail Khan, sometimes called ‘Hindko’, is reportedly more similar to Saraiki. A member of macrolanguage Lahnda. Language Use: Also use Northern Pashto, Saraiki, Urdu, Western Punjabi.


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