Language name and locationː Heiltsuk, BC province, Canada [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区海尔楚克语, 加拿大卑诗省西南部布勒内峡湾贝拉贝拉和基塔索(克莱姆图)村


1. m̉ṇúkʷ

21.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi m̉ṇúkʷ

2. mḷúkʷ

22.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi mḷúkʷ

3. yúdúkʷ

23.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi yúdúkʷ

4. múkʷ

24.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi múkʷ

5. sk̉ákʷ  

25.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi sk̉ákʷ

6. ƛ͗áukʷ

26.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi q̉ƛ͗áukʷ

7. maɬús 

27.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi maɬús 

8. yútxʷáus

28.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi yútxʷáus

9. m̉ám̉ṇíh̉a

29.  masṃ́ɡʷustíwá ɡi m̉ám̉ṇíh̉a

10. h̉ak̉as 

30.  yútxʷsúkʷ

11. m̉ṇíhaɡiu

40.  múxsúkʷ 

12. mḷáɡiu

50.  sk̉áxsúkʷ 

13. yúduáɡiu

60.  q̉ƛ͗áxsúkʷ 

14. múhaɡiu

70.  maɬúsṇɡʷustíwá  

15. sk̉áɡiu 

80.  yútxʷáusṇɡʷustíwá

16. q̉ƛ͗áɡiu

90.  m̉ám̉ṇíh̉ap̉ṇɡʷustíwá

17. maɬảúcɡiú

100. h̉ak̉asp̉ṇkstáis

18. yútxváucɡiu

200. mảɬṇ́kstáis

19. m̉ám̉ṇíh̉aɡiu

1000. lúx̌ʷsṃx.h̉it

20. masṃ́ɡʷustíwá

2000. mḷúkʷs lúx̌ʷsṃx.h̉it


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. John C. Rath, Heiltsuk Cultural Education Centre, Bella Bella, BC, Canada. October 18, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. John C. Rath. 2009 年 10 月 18 日.


Other comments: Heiltsuk or Hailhzaqvla is a nearly extinct language spoken by 45 adults speakers only out of 3,600 ethnic population in British Columbia province: Bella Bella and Kitasoo villages, Rivers Inlet area, Canada. Heiltsuk numeral system is decimal, note the /gi/ in 21 thru 29 is a proclitic consisting of a root {g-} “and further” and the least semantically marked one of a set of suffixes referring to the 3rd person. Please note that the phonetic symbols “m,” “n” and “l” with a dot underneath in numerals 1, 2, 11, 12, 20 to 29, 70, 80, 90 and 2000 indicates a vocalic pronunciation and a comma above the phonetic symbols indicates glottalization and an acute signal indicates high tone.   

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