Language name and locationː Gwich'in, Yukon, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. ihłak |
21. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt ihłak |
2. neekaii |
22. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt neekaii |
3. tik |
23. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt tik |
4. daang |
24. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt daang |
5. ihłoɡwinlìʼ ( lit: ''one hand'' ) |
25. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt ihłoɡwinlìʼ |
6. nihkʼiitik ( litː ''three repeated'' ) |
26. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiitik |
7. itsʼteechʼìʼ neekaii ( litː ? 2 ) |
27. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt itsʼteechʼìʼ neekaii |
8. nihkʼiidaang ( litː ''four repeated'') |
28. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiidaang |
9. vanchòh nàkʼoh zhàk dhitinh * |
29. neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt vanchòh nàkʼoh |
10. ihłok ɡwijùutin ( litː 'hands' ) |
30. tik ɡwijùutin |
11. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt ihłak |
40. daang ɡwijùutin |
12. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt neekaii |
50. ihłoɡwinlìʼ ɡwijùutin |
13. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt tik |
60. nihkʼiitik ɡwijùutin |
14. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt daang |
70. itsʼteechʼìʼ ɡwijùutin |
15. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt ihłoɡwinlìʼ |
80. nihkʼiidaang ɡwijùutin |
16. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiitik |
90. vanchòh nàkʼoh zhàk dhitinh ɡwijùutin |
17. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt itsʼteechʼìʼ |
100. ihłak ɡwijùutin jùutin |
18. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiidaang |
200. neekaii ɡwijùutin jùutin jùutin |
19. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt vanchòh nàkʼoh |
1000. ihłak ɡwijùutin jùutin jùutin |
20. neekok ɡwijùutin |
2000. neekaii ɡwijùutin jùutin jùutin |
Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. William G. Firth, Dinjii Zhuh K'yuu Eenjit Gwichit Nilii, (Manager of Language Programs) Gwich’in Social & Cultural Institute, Fort McPherson, NT, Canada. October 15, 2011.提供资料的语言学家: Mr. William G. Firth, 2011 年 10 月 15 日. |
Other comments: Gwich'in (Dinjii Zhuh Ginjik) or Kutchin is spoken by approximately 550 speakers in Northwest Territories: Aklavik, Inuvik, Tsiigehtchic, Fort McPherson; Yukon Territory: Old Crow, Canada as well as United States. This Gwich'in dialect has developed counting system up to 2000. Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː 1. chʼ = IPA [tʃʼ], voiceless ejective affricate. 2. zh = IPA [ʒ], voiced palatal fricative. 3. ch = IPA [tʃ], voiceless palatal affricate. Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ. There are two tones in Gwich'inː à = low tone and high tone unmarked. |
Language name and locationː Gwich'in, Yukon, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. ch'ihłak |
2. neekwaii |
3. tik |
4. do̜o̜ |
5. chʼihłoonlìʼ ( lit: ''one hand'' ) |
6. nìhkʼii tik ( litː ''three repeated'' 2 x 3 ) |
7. chʼiteeheetsʼii neekwaii ( litː ? 2 ) |
8. nìhkʼii do̜o̜ ( litː ''four repeated'' 2 x 4 ) |
9. vanchoo zhak dhitin ( litː ''one thumb down'' ) |
10. ch'ihłoaatin ( litː 'hands' ) |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Hishinlai’ “Kathy R. Sikorski, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, September 25, 2009. 提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Hishinlai’ “Kathy R. Sikorski, 2009 年 9 月 25 日. |
Other comments: Gwich'in has traditional counting system up to 20. Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː 1. chʼ = IPA [tʃʼ], voiceless ejective affricate. 2. zh = IPA [ʒ], voiced palatal fricative. 3. ch = IPA [tʃ], voiceless palatal affricate. Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ. There are two tones in Gwich'inː à = low tone and high tone unmarked. |
Language name and locationː Gwich'in, Yukon, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. ch'ihøak |
2. neekwãoðð |
3. tik |
4. dõõ |
5. ch'ihøoanli' ( lit: ''one hand'' ) |
6. nihk'ii / nik'iiti ( litː ''three repeated'' ) |
7. ch'its'iteets'ðð neekwãðð ( litː ?? ) |
8. nihk'iidõõ ( litː ?? ) |
9. vanchoo ch'ihøak zhak dhitin ( litː ''one thumb down'' ) |
10. ch'ihøoaatin ( litː 'hands' ) |
20. neekwat daatin / neekwãðð daatin / neekwaatin (litː ? ) |
Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Pierre DeMers, SIL International, Canada, December 17, 2008. 提供资料的语言学家: Mr. Pierre DeMers, 2008 年 12 月 17 日. |
Other comments: Gwich'in has traditonal counting system up to 20. Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː 1. chʼ = IPA [tʃʼ], voiceless ejective affricate. 2. zh = IPA [ʒ], voiced palatal fricative. 3. ch = IPA [tʃ], voiceless palatal affricate. Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ. There are two tones in Gwich'inː à=low tone, high tone unmarked. |
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