Language name and locationː Gwich'in, Yukon, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区库钦语, 加拿大加拿大西北地区和育空地区及美国境内


1. iak

21.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt iak

2. neekaii

22.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt neekaii

3. tik

23.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt tik

4. daang

24.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt daang

5. ihłoɡwinlìʼ ( lit: ''one hand'' )

25.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt ihłoɡwinlìʼ

6. nihkʼiitik ( litː ''three repeated'' )

26.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiitik

7. itsʼteechʼìʼ neekaii ( litː ? 2 )

27.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt itsʼteechʼìʼ neekaii

8. nihkʼiidaang ( litː ''four repeated'')

28.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiidaang

9. vanchòh nàkʼoh zhàk dhitinh *  

29.  neekok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt vanchòh nàkʼoh

10. ihłok ɡwijùutin ( litː 'hands' )

30.  tik ɡwijùutin

11. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt iak

40.  daang ɡwijùutin

12. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt neekaii

50.  ihłoɡwinlìʼ ɡwijùutin  

13. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt tik

60.  nihkʼiitik ɡwijùutin  

14. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt daang

70.  itsʼteechʼìʼ ɡwijùutin  

15. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt ihłoɡwinlìʼ

80.  nihkʼiidaang ɡwijùutin  

16. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiitik

90.  vanchòh nàkʼoh zhàk dhitinh ɡwijùutin

17. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt itsʼteechʼìʼ

100. iak ɡwijùutin jùutin

18. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt nihkʼiidaang

200. neekaii ɡwijùutin jùutin jùutin

19. ihłok ɡwijùutin tsʼàt vanchòh nàkʼoh

1000. iak ɡwijùutin jùutin jùutin

20. neekok ɡwijùutin

2000. neekaii ɡwijùutin jùutin jùutin


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. William G. Firth, Dinjii Zhuh K'yuu Eenjit Gwichit Nilii, (Manager of Language Programs) Gwich’in Social & Cultural Institute,

Fort McPherson, NT, Canada. October 15, 2011.

提供资的语言家: Mr. William G. Firth, 2011 年 10 月 15 日.


Other comments: Gwich'in (Dinjii Zhuh Ginjik) or Kutchin is spoken by approximately 550 speakers in Northwest Territories: Aklavik, Inuvik, Tsiigehtchic, Fort McPherson; Yukon Territory: Old Crow, Canada as well as United States.

This Gwich'in dialect has developed counting system up to 2000.

Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː

1. chʼ = IPA [tʃʼ], voiceless ejective affricate.

2. zh = IPA [ʒ], voiced palatal fricative.

3. ch = IPA [tʃ], voiceless palatal affricate.

Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ.

There are two tones in Gwich'inː  à = low tone and high tone unmarked.

Language name and locationː Gwich'in, Yukon, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区库钦语, 加拿大加拿大西北地区和育空地区及美国境内


1. ch'ihłak

2. neekwaii

3. tik

4. do̜o̜

5. chʼihłoonlìʼ   ( lit: ''one hand'' )

6. nìhkʼii tik ( litː ''three repeated''  2 x 3 )

7. chʼiteeheetsʼii neekwaii ( litː ? 2 )

8. nìhkʼii do̜o̜  ( litː ''four repeated'' 2 x 4 )

9. vanchoo zhak dhitin  ( litː ''one thumb down'' )

10. ch'ihłoaatin  ( litː 'hands' )


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Hishinlai’ “Kathy R. Sikorski, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, September 25, 2009.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Hishinlai’ “Kathy R. Sikorski, 2009 年 9 月 25 日.


Other comments: Gwich'in has traditional counting system up to 20.

Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː

1. chʼ = IPA [tʃʼ], voiceless ejective affricate.

2. zh = IPA [ʒ], voiced palatal fricative.

3. ch = IPA [tʃ], voiceless palatal affricate.

Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ.

There are two tones in Gwich'inː  à = low tone and high tone unmarked.

Language name and locationː Gwich'in, Yukon, Canada, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区库钦语, 加拿大加拿大西北地区和育空地区及美国境内


1. ch'ihøak

2. neekwãoðð

3. tik

4. dõõ

5. ch'ihøoanli'   ( lit: ''one hand'' )

6. nihk'ii / nik'iiti ( litː ''three repeated'' )

7. ch'its'iteets'ðð neekwãðð ( litː ?? )

8. nihk'iidõõ    ( litː ?? )

9. vanchoo ch'ihøak zhak dhitin  ( litː ''one thumb down'' )

10. ch'ihøoaatin  ( litː 'hands' )

20. neekwat daatin / neekwãðð daatin / neekwaatin (litː ? )


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Pierre DeMers, SIL International, Canada, December 17, 2008.

提供资的语言: Mr. Pierre DeMers, 2008 年 12 月 17 日.


Other comments: Gwich'in has traditonal counting system up to 20.

Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː

1. chʼ = IPA [tʃʼ], voiceless ejective affricate.

2. zh = IPA [ʒ], voiced palatal fricative.

3. ch = IPA [tʃ], voiceless palatal affricate.

Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ.

There are two tones in Gwich'inː  à=low tone, high tone unmarked.

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