Language name and location: Guro, Côte d'Ivoire [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区古罗语, 科特迪瓦中部萨桑德拉-马拉韦区


1. dʊ

21.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ dʊ

2. fíé

22.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ fíé

3. yaá

23.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ yaá

4. zĩ̀ɛ̃́

24.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ zĩ̀ɛ̃́

5. sólú

25.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ sólú

6. sʊɛdʊ ~ sʊɛlʊ (5+1)

26.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ sʊɛdʊ

7. sʊlàyíé  (5+2)

27.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ sʊlàyíé

8. sʊlaá    (5+3 )

28.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ sʊlaá

9. sʊlàzĩ̀ɛ̃́  (5+4)

29.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ sʊlàzĩ̀ɛ̃́

10. vu

30.  yɔ dʊ wɔ́lɛ́ vu

11. vu tâ

40.  yɔ fíé (20 x 2)

12. vu tâ fíé

50.  yɔ fíé wɔ́lɛ́ vu

13. vu tâ yaá

60.  yɔ yaá (20 x 3)

14. vu tâ zĩ̀ɛ̃́

70.  yɔ yaá wɔ́lɛ́ vu

15. vu tâ sólú

80.  yɔ zĩ̀ɛ̃́ (20 x 4)

16. vu tâ sʊɛdʊ

90.  yɔ zĩ̀ɛ̃́ wɔ́lɛ́ vu

17. vu tâ sʊlàyíé

100. yɔ sólú (20 x 5)

18. vu tâ sʊlaá

200. wúlù dʊ, 400. wúlù fíé , 800. wúlù zĩ̀ɛ̃́

19. vu tâ sʊlàzĩ̀ɛ̃́

1000. wúlù sólú (200 x 5)

20. yɔ

2000. bàà


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Olga Kuznetsova through Prof. Valentin Vydrine, European University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 8, 2007.

Dr. Olga Kuznetsova, July 12, 2018.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Olga Kuznetsova through Prof. Valentin Vydrine, 2007 年 11 月 8 日, 2018 年 7 月 12 日. .


Other comments: Guro has a traditional quinary-vigesimal system. There are modern two terms for 200 and 2000 by analogue used for counting money. In table above, Mid tone is unmarked. Guro or Kweni is spoken by approximately 500,000 speakers
mainly Sassandra-Marahoué and Gôh-Djiboua districts and smaller areas in Lacs, Vallée du Bandama, and Woroba districts.


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