Language name and location: Gula Iro, Guéra region, Chad [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区古拉-伊诺语, 乍得中南部盖拉区


1. ʈòŋ

21.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn ʈoŋ / hul ɛn ʈoŋ

2. rɔ̀k

22.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn rɔk / hul ɛn rɔk

3. tóːc

23.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn toːc / hul ɛn toːc

4. nɔ̃́ɽɔ̃̀

24.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn nɔ̃ɽɔ̃ / hul ɛn nɔ̃ɽɔ̃

5. lùɲ

25.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn luɲ / hul ɛn luɲ

6. luen ʈoŋ ('five and one')

26.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn luen ʈoŋ /hul ɛn luen ʈoŋ

7. lúérɔ̀k    ('five and two')

27.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn luerɔk / hul ɛn luerɔk

8. càgɔ́

28.  yɪppaɽɪ rɔk ɛn cagɔ / hul ɛn cagɔ

9. càgɔ́lɛ̀nɔ̃̀ɽɔ̃̀ ('eight and four in it')

29.  yɪp. rɔk ɛn cagɔlɛn. / hul ɛn cagɔlɛnɔ̃ɽɔ̃

10. yɪ̀ppá

30.  yɪppaɽɪ toːc

11. yɪppa ɛn ʈoŋ

40.  yɪppaɽɪ nɔ̃ɽɔ̃

12. yɪppa ɛn rɔk

50.  yɪppaɽɪ luɲ

13. yɪppa ɛn toːc

60.  yɪppaɽɪ luen ʈoŋ

14. yɪppa ɛn nɔ̃ɽɔ̃

70.  yɪppaɽɪ luerɔk

15. yɪppa ɛn luɲ

80.  yɪppaɽɪ cagɔ

16. yɪppa ɛn luen ʈoŋ

90.  yɪppaɽɪ cagɔlenɔ̃ɽɔ̃

17. yɪppa ɛn luerɔk

100. kɛ̃nɖaː tʊ ʈoŋ 

18. yɪppa ɛn cagɔ

200. kɛ̃nɖeː tu rɔk 

19. yɪppa ɛn cagɔlɛnɔ̃ɽɔ̃

1000. pala tu 

20. yɪppaɽɪ rɔk / hùl

2000. Chadian Arabic


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Dorothea Reuter, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Chad. 7 February, 2022.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Dorothea Reuter, 2022 年 2 月 7 日.


Other comments: Gula Iro [glj] has a decimal numeral system with special substructures for numbers 6, 7 and 9 . As you can see, some of the data is with tone, some without. There is some discussion about the number 20, and also about numbers from 100 onwards. Nowadays they are mostly using Chadian Arabic for numbers from 100 on.   (From Wikipedia): The Gula Iro language (autonym kùláál) is a Bua language spoken by some 3,500 people (in 1991) north and east of Lake Iro in southern Chad, between the Bola and Salamat rivers.


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