Language name and location: Cappadocian Greek, Greece [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区卡帕多西亚希腊语, 希腊中部中马其顿地区


1. ένα [éna]

21. εικου9σ’ ένα [ikuʃéna]

2. 6ντ%υό [dʝó]

22. εικου9σ’ 6ντ%υό [[ikuʃdʝó]

3. τρία [tría]

23. εικου9σ’ τρία [ikuʃtría]

4. τέσσιρα [tésira]

24. εικου9σ’ τέσσιρα [ikuʃtésira]

5. πέν6ντι [péndi]

25. εικου9σ’ πέν6ντι [ikuʃpéndi]

6. (ξ [écʃ]

26. εικου9σ’ έ(ξ’ [ikuʃécʃ]

7. οφτά [oftá]

27. εικου9σ’ οφτά [[ikuʃoftá]

8. οχτώ [oxtó]

28. εικου9σ’ οχτώ [ikuʃoxtó]

9. ενν%ιά [eɲá]

29. εικου9σ’ εννιά [ikuʃeɲá]

10. 6ντέκα [déka]

30. τριάν6ντα [triánda]

11. έν6ντικα [éndika]

40. σεράν6ντα [seránda]

12. 6ντώεκα [dóeka]

50. πενήν6ντα [penínda]

13. ’κατρία [katría]

60. ε(ξήν6ντα [ecʃínda]

14. ’κατέσσιρα [katésira]

70. οβ6ντομήν6ντα [ovdomínda]

15. ’καπέν6ντι [kapéndi]

80. ογ6ντοήν6ντα [oɣdoínda]

16. 6ντετ9σά(ξ [detʃácʃ]

90. ενενήν6ντα [enenínda]

17. 6ντετ9σεφτά [detʃeftá]

100. ’κατό [kató]   200. γ5ιακό9σα [ʝakóʃa] 

18. 6ντεκοχτώ [dekoxtó]

400. τετρακό9σα [tetrakóʃa]

19. 6ντετ9σενν%ιά [detʃeɲá]

1000. χίλ5ια [çíʎa]

20. είκου9σ[íkuʃ] / τ9σάκου9σ’ [tʃákuʃ]

2000. 6ντ%υο χιλιάϊς [dʝoçiliáis]


Linguist providing data and date: Prof. Dr. Mark Janse, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium / BOF-ZAP Research Professor Ancient & Asia Minor Greek, Associate in Greek Linguistics, Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, USA. Associate Editor, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics (EGLL), May 16, 2020.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Mark Janse, 2020 年 5 月 16 日.


Other comments: Cappadocian Greek has a decimal system. The data is taken from Mišótika Cappadocian, the only dialect still spoken to some extent. It is the most ‘exotic’ dialect, phonologically and phonetically speaking, as it has vowel raising and palatalization, which makes many of the ‘Greek’ sounds sound different. I have added the orthography designed by a friend of mine who used it in his ‘Teach yourself Mišótika’. Cappadocian Greek is spoken by nearly extinct language spoken approximately 2,800 speakers in Mandra village, Central Greece region and Neo Agioneri and Xirohori villages in Central Macedonia, Greece.


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