Language name and location: Gilaki, Gilan province, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区吉拉基语, 伊朗首都德黑兰西部部里海南岸吉兰省地区


1. jek

21.  bisjek

2. do

22.  bist o do

3. se

23.  bist o se

4. t͡ʃaːaːr

24.  bist o t͡ʃaːaːr 

5. pand͡ʒ

25.  bist o pand͡ʒ

6. ʃiʃ

26.  bist o ʃiʃ

7. haf

27.  bist o haf

8. haʃ

28.  bist o haʃ

9. no

29.  bist o no

10. da  

30.  si

11. jazda

40.  t͡ʃel

12. devɑzda

50.  pand͡ʒa 

13. sizda

60.  ʃas

14. t͡ʃaːhaːrda

70.  haftaːd

15. pownze

80.  haʃtadː

16. ʃownze

90.  nawad

17. hifte

100. sad, 200. diːvis

18. hiʒde

400. t͡ʃaːaːrsad, 800. haʃsad

19. nuzda

1000. hizaːr

20. bis

2000. du hizaːr


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Anoushe (Fateme) Sheybanifard, Institute of Ancient Iranian culture and languages at Tehran State University, Tehran, Iran. September 1, 2020.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Anoushe (Fateme) Sheybanifard, 2020 年 9 月 1 日.


Other comments: Gilaki has a decimal system. Gilaki is heavy influence from Farsi.
Note that the differences between traditional phonetic symbols and IPA transcriptions:
y=IPA [j], č=IPA [t͡ʃ], j=IPA [d͡ʒ],  š=IPA [ʃ], ž=IPA [ʒ], ā=IPA [aː]

Gilaki is spoken by approximately 2,000,000 speakers in Gilan province, coast south of Caspian and Talish sea, Iran.

Language name and location: Gilaki, Gilan province, Iran [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区吉拉基语, 伊朗首都德黑兰西部部里海南岸吉兰省地区


1. jək /jek

21.  bist-ə-jək

2. do

22.  bist-ə-do

3. sə /se

23.  bist-ə-sə

4. t͡ʃəˈhɑr /t͡ʃəɑr

24.  bist-ə-t͡ʃəˈhɑr

5. pənd͡ʒ

25.  bist-ə-pənd͡ʒ

6. ʃiʃ

26.  bist-ə-ʃiʃ

7. haf(t)

27.  bist-ə-haf(t)

8. haʃ(t)

28.  bist-ə-haʃ(t)

9. no(h)

29.  bist-ə-no(h)

10. da(h)  

30.  si

11. jazˈdə

40.  t͡ʃehel /t͡ʃəel

12. dəvazˈdə

50.  pənd͡ʒɑ 

13. sizˈdə

60.  ʃəst

14. t͡ʃəhɑrˈdə

70.  hafˈtɑd

15. pɑnzˈdə

80.  haʃˈtɑd

16. ʃanzˈdə

90.  nəˈvəd

17. hivˈdə

100. səd /sad

18. hiʒˈdə

200. dəˈvist /diˈvist

19. nuzˈdə

1000. hiˈzɑːr

20. bist

2000. do-hiˈzɑːr


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Abolghasem Esmailpour, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran, July 6, 2002.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Abolghasem Esmailpour, 2002 年 7 月 6 日


Other comments: Gilaki has a decimal system. Gilaki is heavy influence from Farsi. 


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