Language name and location: Maxi-Gbe, Collines, Benin, Togo [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 马希格贝语, 贝宁中部丘陵省地区及多哥境内


1. ɖèé

21.  koŋkúk͡pó

2. òwè

22.  koŋkówè

3. ɔ̀tɔ̃̀

23.  koŋkɔ́tɔ̃̀

4. ɛ̀nɛ̀

24.  koŋkúènɛ̀

5. àtɔ̃́  

25.  koatɔ̃́

6. ayizɛ̃

26.  koatɔ̃́ŋkúk͡pó  (20+5+1)

7. tɛ́ɛwè (5+2)

27.  koatɔ̃́ŋkówè    (20+5+2)

8. tã́tɔ̃̀    (5+3)

28.  koatɔ̃́ŋkótɔ̃̀      (20+5+3)

9. tɛ̃ɛ̃nɛ̀  (5+5)

29.  koatɔ̃́ŋkúènɛ́   (20+5+4)

10. òwó

30.  ɡ͡bã̀

11. òwókúk͡pó

40.  kãɖé

12. òwòkówè

50.  kãɖéòwó  (40+10)

13. òwòkótɔ̃̀

60.  kãɖéko     (40+20)

14. òwóénɛ̀

70.  kãɖéɡ͡bã̀    (40+30)

15. àfɔ̀tɔ̃́  (litː ''foot x 3'')

80.  kãwè        (40 x 2)

16. àfɔ̀tɔ̃ŋkúk͡pó   (15+1)

90.  kãwèwòó  (40 x 2+10)

17. àfɔ̀tɔ̃ŋkówè    (15+2)

100. alɔfá

18. àfɔ̀tɔ̃ŋkótɔ̃      (15+3)

200. afɔfáwè (100 x 2)

19. àfɔ̀tɔ̃ŋkúènɛ̀   (15+4)

1000. ak͡poŋk͡pó (litː ''bag x 1'')

20. ko

2000. ak͡powè (litː ''2 bags'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Honorine Poidi-Gblem, SIL International, Togo-Benin /Department of Linguistics at the University of Lomé, Togo, November 11, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Honorine Poidi-Gblem. 2011 年 11 月 11 日.


Other comments: Maxi-Gbe has a rather complicated numeral system similar to that of Fon-Gbe. Note that middle tones unmarked. Other ways of Sayingː

7. tsíɔ̀wè=hand+2, 8. tsíɔ = hand+3, 10. ɔ̀síɔ̀síɔ̀=hand hand,

1000. càkì= 'sac'?  maybe sac in French for bag, 2000. cakowè=2 bags  

Maxi-Gbe or Mahi is spoken by approximately 460,000 speakers in Collines department: Bantè, Dassa-Zoume, Glazoué Ouèssèi, and Savalou communes; Donga department: Bassila commune, Benin as well as Togo.


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